Past- Wednesday Addams

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Word count: 1237

You walked into the Weathervane where you were supposed to meet your girlfriend. You scanned the room for her but didn't see her anywhere. She was only ever late if something in her investigation had caught her attention, and she always apologized to you after, so you weren't really worried about it. You decided it was a nice enough day and you could wait for her to be done with whatever she was doing. You ordered a coffee and sat in a corner booth, putting your headphones in and writing on your computer.

***time skip***

It had been about an hour and a half since Wednesday was supposed to meet you. Normally she at least lets you know she won't show up, or she cancels altogether, but this was different. You even texted your sister Enid a few times to see if she knew where the raven-haired girl was, but she had no clue. You took your headphones off, letting out a sigh of defeat as you picked up your stuff and prepared to leave. But then your heart sank.

You saw a familiar pair of black braids, seated next to none other than Tyler Glapin. Tyler had bullied you for as long as you could remember, leaving you with broken ribs the last time you had run into him and his friends. Much like your sister, you had never been able to wolf out, which was something Tyler and his friends used to their advantage. Feelings flooded through your body, your senses being clouded as you watched the two of them. He was clearly flirting with her, and he didn't feel bad about it. The tears burned in your eyes as you picked up the last of your things, sniffling quietly, trying to not attract attention to yourself. Unfortunately, your claws came out, causing you to drop  your phone and it clattered to the floor, the girl turning her head towards you. Without looking at her you picked up your phone and ran out of the weathervane, headed back toward Nevermore.

***time skip***

You sat on your bed, your phone ringing as you called your sister.

"Hey y/n, what's up?" She said, her voice sweet and accepting.

"Enid, can you come over?" You sniffled, trying to sound like you weren't crying, but it was of no use.

"Y/n, what's wrong?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Just come over." You said, hanging up before she could question you more. Your thoughts reeled back to what you had seen. Your favorite person in the whole world was sitting next to the person who had ruined five years of your life. Tyler and his friends had sent you to the hospital three different times for being a 'freak' and now he was willingly having coffee with someone who went to Nevermore. Not only that, but he wanted her, flirting with her every chance he got. But what hurt the most was her actions. She was actually sitting next to him willingly, his arm touching hers. It took her weeks to let you hold her hand despite the fact that you were her girlfriend, and now she was okay with sitting next to a boy she has met maybe five times. Before you could think about it too much. more your sister came tearing into your room.

"Y/n what happened!" She asked, running over to you and engulfing you in a hug.

"Wednesday blew me off," you said, hugging your sister tightly. She looked at you suddenly, wondering why you were having such a large reaction to something so minor, "she blew me off for Tyler. I was waiting for her at the Weathervane and they were at a booth together. She forgot I was there." You finished, the tears returning to your eyes. Your sister's face twisted into an expression of anger, her claws coming out as you spoke.

"She did what!?" She screeched, "does she know what he did to you?"

"No, no, I don't think so." you sniffed, looking at your sister as she got up and began pacing, "unless he told her, which I really doubt he would do."

"I can't believe she would hang out with that normie jerk, and the fact that she blew you off to do so." Your sister hissed, her emotions clearly getting the best of her like they always did. "Do you want to tell her what he did?" She asked, stopping her pacing to face you.

"I do really want to tell her but I'm scared she will look at me differently. That she will see me as weak or insignificant." You said lightly, the thought of telling the girl really did scare you.

"Would you mind if I told her?" Enid asked, taking your hand in hers. You thought it over for a minute. This way she would still know, but you wouldn't have to face her and tell her yourself.

"Yeah, yeah I guess that is okay," you said softly, your tears still drying. Your sister immediately dropped your hand and started towards your bedroom door, "where are you going?" You called after her.

"I'm ending her little meetup with Tyler!" She yelled back, waving to you and giving you a huge smile.

***time skip***

Less than an hour later both girls came storming into your room, Wednesday had her arms crossed in front of her body as Enid skipped behind her. Before you could get a single word out, Wednesday spoke.

"Is it true?" She asked, her monotone voice somehow sounding so attractive to you. You turned to your sister to try and read the situation since she actually expressed her emotions. She had a huge smile on her face and motioned for you to answer.

"Y-yeah it's true." You said, your gaze falling to the floor.

"Well, then it is a good thing I left him with a few broken bones." She said, you looked at her again, her brown eyes piercing yours, and you swore you could see the beginnings of a smile. You stared at her, smiling as you did so. Even though she didn't express her emotions very well didn't mean she didn't have them, you could tell that at this moment she was happy. Happy you were safe and happy that she got to break the bones of the person who hurt you.

"So, movie night?" Enid asked excitedly, jumping up and down until the two of you answered.

"Yeah I'm game, you love?" You said, turning to your girlfriend. She had a look of disgust at the mere mention of watching boring teenage movies, but her look softened when she looked at you.

"Fine. But only because of what happened today." She said quickly, earning a smile from you and a giggle from your sister. The three of you sat on your bed, you in between the two girls, both of them being the most important things in your life. As Enid turned on some movie she was obsessed with, you lay your head on Wednesday's shoulder. This was something she just finally started letting you do. Your eyes began to feel heavy from all the crying, your breathing slowing as you began to fall asleep.

"He will never hurt you again cara mia," Wednesday whispered, thinking you were asleep. And your heart fluttered as your eyes closed once more.

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