Movie night- Vada Cavell

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Word count: 1048

There was a soft knock on your front door pulling you out of your sleep, your headache immediately returning as you stood up to open it. As you made your way over you realized you were just wearing a hoodie and no pants, but you honestly couldn't care less. Your socks slid on your cold wood floors as you reached the door and barely cracked it open.

"Who is it?" You croaked, shutting your eyes as the sunlight flooded in through the small slit. You could smell the rain outside and the cold air hit you, making you wish you did have something covering your legs.

"It's me baby." A soft voice said, a smile showing up on your face almost instantly. You let the door open the rest of the way and were met with the most beautiful person on the planet, Vada. She wrapped you in a hug and walked you backward, shutting the door with her foot.

"What are you doing here?" You whispered as you buried your head in her neck, smelling her sweet perfume as her arms tightened around your waist. She picked you up as you spoke and your legs instinctively held on.

"You haven't answered my texts in three days, I was worried." She sighed as she held you. You could tell that she was genuinely relieved that you were okay because there was no way she was letting go anytime soon.

"Oh, yeah..." You muttered as she began to rub your back, "My phone died." As you spoke these words she set you down but didn't detach her arms from your waist. As her brown eyes locked with yours you could see her dimples form as she smiled.

"It was dead for three days?" She giggled, tilting her head slightly as you realized how ridiculous you sounded.  You looked down at your feet and decided you should just tell her.

"I didn't wanna get up and get my charger." She laughed as soon as you spoke, grabbing your chin with her hand and pulling you up to look at her. "Don't laugh!" You pouted as you took your hands off of her shoulders and stuffed them in your pocket.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry." She smiled as she pressed a soft kiss to your lips, your frown melting away into a smile. "But do you understand that I was worried?" She asked, her gaze softening as she looked at you, pure admiration on her face.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." You admitted as you put your arms back on her shoulders, leaning in for another kiss. She quickly accepted as her hand moved from your chin to the side of your face, her thumb stroking your cheek. Her lips were soft and inviting and you had missed the feel of them.

"So," she began, pulling away but grabbing your hand quickly, "let's get your phone on a charger and then go eat some snacks and watch some movies." You just smiled as she dragged you by your sleeve into your bedroom, grabbing your charger and quickly heading back out to the kitchen where your phone was sitting on the counter.

"Thank you," You muttered as you walked closer to your girlfriend, the smell of her engulfing you once again. She placed her hands on your hips and smiled, beginning to run her hands under your hoodie before she abruptly stopped, a confused look on her face.

"Are you not wearing any pants?" She smirked as she pulled you closer, her thumbs going under your waistline. She leaned down for a sweet kiss, your hips meeting hers as she tried to have you even closer.

"Don't get any ideas over there." You muttered into the kiss, putting your hand on the back of her neck as you blushed. Her hands brushed over your thighs ever so slightly, making you shiver. "I just find pants to be very uncomfortable sometimes."

"You're a nerd like that." She smiled, as she broke the kiss, her blushing just as much as you were. She raised her hand and moved some hair behind your ear, your heartbeat racing as she did so. No matter how long you had been together, she never failed to make you nervous.

"I love you." You whispered as you stared at her, feeling safer in her arms than you did anywhere else. She placed a soft kiss on your forehead as she smiled, the blush on your cheeks spreading.

"I love you so much baby, you don't even know." She then stepped by you, grabbing a bag of popcorn from your pantry and holding it up in the air. "Now, who's ready for some movies?"

***time skip***

"That was... the weirdest movie I have ever seen in my life." Vada giggled as you sat up abruptly. You had just shown her The Rocky Horror Picture Show for the first time, and safe to say, she was confused.

"But you liked it, right?" You asked as you turned around, straddling her lap and pointing a finger at her. She laughed as she placed her hands on your hips, adjusting your hoodie a little bit. "Because if you didn't like it I'll-"

"You'll what?" She interrupted, a smirk on her face. Blush immediately covered your cheeks and you shut your mouth, not remembering what you were going to say. "Mhm, that's what I thought."

She leaned forward, pulling you into a kiss, her tongue swiping over your bottom lip. You were about to continue your rant about the movie, but she moved her lips to your neck, one hand on your waist and the other on your upper back.

"Vads..." you mumbled as you tangled your hand in her hair, trying to stop your hips from moving. She continued her attack on your neck, her hand squeezing your body. "Vada."

"Yes baby?" She whispered as she kissed your collarbone, your body shivering. You put your hands under her face, reluctantly pulling her lips away from your neck and making her look at you. Her pupils were full of lust and she was breathing heavier than before, her bottom lip sliding between her teeth.

"Kiss me." She happily obliged, sliding her hands under your hoodie as she reattached her lips to yours.

"Anything for you my girl."

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