Stay with me- Tara Carpenter

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Word count: 930

You ran toward the elevator as fast as you could, following Dewey and Sam as she talked on the phone with Ghostface.

"Why are you doing this?" Sam cried as the elevator rose. Your heart raced as you heard your girlfriend's pained cries on the other side of the phone.

"You wanna know why Sam?" Ghostface taunted, the elevator getting higher and higher as Tara's cries became more legible. "maybe it's because you're a selfish bitch, who can't even make a decision to savqe the life of someone you love. Maybe you're too weak for this franchise."

"Maybe you're right..." Sam said, turning to look at Dewey as you reached the floor Tara was on, "or maybe I'm stalling for time fuckhead." As soon as the doors opened, Dewey fired a shot, your ears ringing at the sudden noise.

"I'll get Richie," he said quickly. As he rushed out of the elevator, your eyes fell on Tara, and your heart dropped.

"Oh god," you whispered to yourself, staring at your girlfriend lying on the floor, trying desperately to drag herself away from the masked killer. She cried out in pain as she continued to pull herself along, Sam running to her side. You followed behind the girl until something caught your eye, or rather someone. Ghostface was picking himself up off the floor, heading right for Dewey. You didnt have time to make a rational decision, and your body went into fight or flight. It seems you chose fight. You quickly ran towards the killer, wrapping your arms around him and bringing the two of you to the floor.

Bad idea.

The two of you immediately began wrestling on the ground, the killer quickly gaining the upper hand.

"Sacraficing yourself for Dewey are we now?" He taunted, his voice sounding even more robotic from this close up, "heroic... stupid, but heroic." He laughed, plunging his blade into your abdomen, the force of it shocking you more than the pain. "Say bye bye." He whispered deeply.

"Y/n!" You heard Sam scream, turning your head to see her. You could tell that she wanted nothing more than to help you, but she wouldnt leave Tara's side, and for that you were grateful.  The killer above you slid the knife out from your body, plunging it back in your chest just as quickly as the first time, your teeth clenching as you screamed in pain. He prepared to do it a third time, but was taken to the ground, Dewey using his body weight to shove your assailant away from you.

You cried out in pain as your body burned, the dark blood coming out of you, flowing as freely as your tears. You began to stand, the adrenaline being the only thing keeping you from falling back to the ground. As you hugged the wall you heard Tara cry out, and immediately you looked up to her. Sam had gotten her back into a wheelchair and had sat her near the elevator, and now she was working on dragging Richie toward her.

"Oh my god," she cried, looking at you as you continued to stumble toward her. As soon as you were within reach of her chair you grabbed the arm, falling to your knees beside her.

"Its okay- I- I'm okay," you choked out, coughing between words. You pressed a hand to your stomach, trying to relieve some of the pain you felt. The blood ran through your fingers as you tried to halt your bleeding, your breathing sharp and ragged. "I'll be okay Tar," you strained, sliding closer to the floor as your vision became blurry.

"No, no, no!" She cried desperately, her hand grasping yours, "stay with me!" She shrieked. You tried to speak again to reassure her you would be okay, but no words came out of your mouth, only a thick red spit, your eyes shutting softly. Your hearing going fuzzy as you heard a few more gunshots ring out, then everything went silent.

***time skip***

A soft beeping sound filled your ears, a warmth enveloping your entire body as you became conscious again. You tried to open your eyes, but stopped, swallowing as you squeezed your eyes back shut, the light blinding you.

"Hmm," you groaned, everything in your body hurting, your mind cloudy on where you were and what had happened.

"Y/n?" You heard a soft voice say from not far away. You tried to pry your eyes open again, getting used to the bright lights of the room. As soon as your eyes had adjusted enough you looked toward the voice, a sense of relief flooding through you. There was Tara, her eyes full of tears as she looked at you, her hand grabbing yours. "Oh, y/n." She smiled lightly, a sad look behind her eyes.

"Hey baby," you hummed, trying as best you could to ignore the pain radiating from your abdomen as you spoke. "What happened?" You asked lightly, squeezing her hand lightly. She didnt say anything however, she just looked at you, beginning to laugh. Now you would have found this strange, except you knew what she was feeling. She was laughing out of pure relief and exhaustion, you being alive was all she needed to break down.

"As soon as you're better, we are getting the fuck out of Woodsboro." She said, the tears falling down her soft cheeks as she laughed at her own words. You just smiled, nodding your head in agreement as you stared at the girl, her presence making your pain go away.

AN: hey guys! I didnt like this one that much but I just really wanted to get something published. please give me any feedback or suggestions you have, and dont be afraid to request some stuff.

Much love!


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