No more looking- Tara Carpenter

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You: Tar, need a fake call rn, this date is horrid.

You set your phone back in your lap and waited for your date to finish her rant on how you could have protected yourself better the year before. Then, as if perfectly on time, your phone rang.

"Sorry, I have to grab this." You said quickly, interrupting the girl across from you and picking up the phone. "Hey, everything okay?" You asked the girl over the phone.

"Uhm emergency, SOS, fire, come home, we need you." Tara mumbled on the other end, knowing that you wouldn't have it on speaker. You kept yourself from laughing at her effort as you put on a fake shocked face.

"Okay okay, I'll be right there." You gasped, grabbing your purse and leaving the money for the drink you had grabbed. "I'm so sorry I have to go. I'm sorry." You said to your date as you practically ran out of the restaurant.

As soon as you were out of the doors and knew that your date hadn't followed, you turned back to the phone. "Thank you so much Tara... Can I come over?"

"This is the fifth date I have had to save you from this month and you always come over after." She grumbled through the phone, clearly annoyed that she needed to save you... again. "The door is unlocked."

With that, she hung up the phone. Thankfully you were only a few blocks from her apartment and you were there in minutes, walking right in.

"Tar, I'm here!" You called out into the seemingly empty apartment.

"In my room!" She replied quickly. You set your bag down in the front and made your way back to her room, cracking the door open. "I'm the only one home right now."

As you walked into her room you saw her sitting on her bed, scrolling on her phone. "I can't even tell you how much of a nightmare that was." You groaned as you threw yourself on the bed below her.

"What happened this time?" She smiled, setting her phone next to her and leaning over you. The smile on her face was both reassuring and mocking at the same time.

"This girl was absolutely obsessed with what happened to us last year... She was telling me her theories on how I could have better-escaped ghost face."

"You're kidding!" She laughed as she pulled you to sit up. Most people that you have met know what happened to you, so it wasn't a surprise that people on dating apps did their research.

"I wish I was kidding!" You groaned as you placed your knees against hers, looking right at her. "She was super sweet otherwise. But someone telling me that I 'Should have been smarter' when it came to my best friend becoming a murderer isn't the best start to a relationship."

Tara's head flew back and she laughed harder than you had seen in a while. It always seemed like your misery on these dates was her main source of entertainment.

"You really go on dates with some weird people." She smiled, placing her hand on your shoulder. "I mean come on, there isn't one normal person here that you want to date?"

Her question did make you think of what you had been trying to avoid. You loved Tara more than anything, but you knew after Amber she wasn't really looking for much, and you didn't want to push her.

"Well of course there is," you replied, shoving her lightly, "but that doesn't mean they want to date me." You regretted saying that as soon as you saw the sparkle in her eye.

"Oh my gosh, you have a crush on someone!" She gasped as she looked you dead in the eye, clearly ready to torture you until she figured out who.

"No, I don't!" You lied with a laugh, hoping that she would drop it. But you had known Tara for years and she wouldn't drop it even if your life depended on it.

"Yes, you so do you little liar!" She teased, grabbing your chin in her hand and making you look at her. "Tell me who." Her strict manner was making you blush even more than you had realized. 

"I don't know what you're talking about." You grinned as you tried to avoid eye contact with her. The last thing you wanted was for her to find out you liked her right now. You didn't know if she liked you back and last you checked she wasn't ready for a relationship.

"You're a horrible liar." She laughed as she pulled your face again, now holding you still with her hands so you couldn't look away. "Tell. Me. Who." Her demanding tone finally made you break, a smile cracking on your face, your blush growing deeper than ever.

And finally, she realized. 

You saw the realization as she sat back a bit, a range of emotions on her face. She went from shocked, to in denial, to confused, and lastly... she laughed.

"You asshole!" She laughed as she shoved you backward, standing up and getting off her bed. The confusion on your face was clear because she quickly continued. "I have liked you for so long, but I thought you didn't like me because you were going on other dates."

Your mouth practically hung open in shock as you turned yourself to face her, your legs hanging off of the bed. She liked you... and this whole time you had made her think that you weren't into her. "Oh my god..." you mumbled quietly.

"Yeah! Asshole!" She yelled again as she walked toward you, practically putting herself between your legs as she got even closer. "So, tell me. Do you like me?" 

"Yes, I think it's pretty obviou-" She cut you off by pressing her lips to yours as she leaned down, her hair falling beside both of you, her hands holding her up on your thighs. She pulled away with a smile, her eyes locking onto yours.

"Want to do it again?" She whispered, her hands moving to her own hips as she stood back up. You nodded quickly, so quickly in fact that you weren't sure you did, but the smile on her face made you sure.

She walked forward and placed her knees around you, straddling your lap and cupping your jaw in her hand. Her cold rings sent a shiver up your spine as she brought her lips back down to yours.

Kissing her was something you had imagined doing for a long time, and now that it was happening you felt like you were in a dream. You placed your hands on her hips and pulled her into you, making sure that she wasn't going anywhere. 

"Hm someone is happy." She teased as she continued kissing you, making fun of your clearly flustered and possessive state. 

"Shut up," You breathed as you kissed her again, quickly moving to place your lips on her neck. The surprised sound she let out was enough for you to die right then and there. But then she put her hand on the back of your head and drove you deeper into her skin.

"Y/n, who knew you were s-so good at this." She whispered lightly as you continued to pull her into you and attack her neck with kisses and small bites. "Oh baby~" She smiled as you found her sweet spot, your hands trailing up and down her back.

"Baby, huh?" You teased against her neck, seeing as she had called you a pet name less than five minutes after finding out that you liked her. Her hands pressed against your shoulders. pulling her body away from your lips. 

"Yeah. Baby." She hissed as she grabbed your neck, using it to pull you to her as she kissed you again. This kiss was deeper and more passionate than the last few, the feeling of her body on yours absolutely driving you wild. 

"Tara! We are home!" Sam called from in the hallway, her voice catching both of you off guard. Tara however just carefully broke her lips away from yours, keeping her hand right where it was. 

"Alright!" She replied, looking back at you as soon as she was sure her sister wouldn't walk into her room. "We can either continue this another day or try and be quiet... your choice baby." She whispered softly into your ear. Her words made you feel dizzy, but you responded immediately.

"I hope you're good at being quiet."

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