!!- Wednesday Addams

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Word count: 1880

"Enid!?" you yelled, rushing into your best friend's dorm, not caring how late it was or what she was doing. She had sent you a '!!' text, which normally meant one of you was in danger or needed to talk about something. You two had made that code at the beginning of the year when you were outed as gay and got severely bullied.

You would think in a school full of outcasts they would be more accepting towards you being gay, but it seems you were wrong.

But when you stepped through the door, you didn't see the bubbly girl, just her darker counterpart, Wednesday, typing away on her typewriter. 

She was wearing black jeans and an oversized checkered top that practically engulfed her entire body, she was gorgeous.

When you had seen her on her first day at Nevermore, you immediately fell for her, but you quickly learned that she wasn't the type of person who cared much for feelings, and you gave up on that idea.

"Oh, hey, where is Enid?" You asked, shutting the door softly and composing yourself.

The girl didn't answer you, she just continued to type away feverishly, her fingers moving faster than your brain could comprehend.

"Good talk," you whispered, beginning to walk over to Enid's half of the room, but then a silky voice caught you off guard.

"Enid had a late-night meet-up with Ajax, I assume she won't be back for a while." She hissed impatiently as she stopped her typing, turning around just enough to be able to look at you. Your heart practically stopped as you realized that she had purposefully stopped her writing to answer you.

"Oh, okay. Mind if I wait here?" You asked, sitting down on the blonde girls' bed, trying to control your feelings. The girl was silent for a moment as if she was actually contemplating her answer, but then she spoke again.

"Fine. Just don't interrupt me." She hissed, her eyes boring into you. You just gave her a quick nod before she turned back to her writing and you pulled out your phone, waiting for Enid to arrive.

***time skip***

"He didn't show!" Enid screeched as she walked through the doors of her room. You had dozed off while waiting for her and hadn't realized it had been a few hours. You rolled over just in time for her to flop on her bed, almost landing directly on you.

"What do you mean he didn't show?" You asked groggily, the whole situation not making much sense yet.

"I mean he didn't text, he didn't call, and he didn't show up!" She cried, turning over to bury her head in her pillow. "I waited hours!" She yelled, her voice muffled by the cushion under her.

"I'll kill him." You and Wednesday snapped, practically in unison. You just looked over at the raven-haired girl who was showing you the closest thing to a smile you have ever seen out of her.

"No, no, I just wanna know why." Enid continued to cry. You could tell that she really liked Ajax and that this was definitely hurting her more than you realized. "Am I not good enough?"

"For that Gorgon, please, you're more than enough." You cooed reassuringly, placing a hand on her back as she sat up to rub her eyes. She had makeup smudged all over and tears still streaming down her face. 

Suddenly an amazing idea popped into your head, one that you knew would cheer up Enid for sure. You were going to grab all of her favorite things *you kept a secret stash in your room* and have a fun sleepover night with her, but you had to act quickly.

"I'll be right back, okay?" You smiled, giving the girl a squeeze on the shoulder.

She just nodded her head and proceeded to try to wipe her tears away, her sniffling louder than you thought possible.

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