Turtleneck: part 2- Jenna Ortega

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Warning: slight smut (all persons 18+!!)

Word count: 1651

"Wait, did the cops ever catch you?" Hunter asked with wide eyes as he listened to the story you had just told. You were all talking about crazy stories from your childhood and you had told the story of how you and your best friend had stolen a waffle house sign.

"Nope! And I still have the sign hanging up in my garage." You smiled, trying your hardest to not look over at the brunette girl across from you. Emma was the only person who kind of knew about what was going on between you and Jenna, and you didn't want anyone else to know. At least not until you and Jenna could talk about it.

"Damn, that's kinda badass y/l/n." Georgie joked as he stood up, cracking his neck "ima turn in for the night, see yall tomorrow." He smiled. Everyone gave him a lazy wave goodbye as you all continued your conversation.

"You got any crazy stories, Hunt?" Joy asked, half paying attention to her phone. Hunter excitedly nodded his head, beginning to tell some story you were sure you had heard five or six times. Now that the attention wasn't on you anymore, you turned your eyes to Jenna, admiring her figure. She was sitting in one of your kitchen chairs, her eyes fixated on you as she twirled her ring in her fingers.

"Y/n," Emma whispered, nudging your side with her elbow. "If you two stare at each other any longer everyone is gonna know." She giggled quietly, still listening to what Hunter was saying.

You quickly looked down with embarrassment, hearing Jenna laugh at your actions, the sweet sound just making you more flustered than before.

"Oh, oh, oh, and then," Hunter yelled excitedly, grabbing his phone to pull up video evidence of something he had done. But then suddenly his excitement died down, his smile fading. "Oh shit guys, it's really late, we should probably all part ways."

You looked down at your phone to see just how late he was talking about. It was only around 11:30, but you guys did have to wake up at 5 am the next morning to practice stunts for a pretty important fight scene. Everyone seemed to agree with what he had said because Joy and Emma stood up, grabbing their things quickly.

"Goodnight you guys, I look forward to seeing you in the morning!" Joy smiled as she made her way toward your trailer door, offering a small wave before pulling on the handle.

"Hold the door," Hunter laughed as he hopped up too, patting you on the back and thanking you for a fun night.

"See you y/n/n," Emma giggled as she leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek. This was something she had done often seeing as she was your best friend, but it was only now that you paid attention to Jenna's reaction to it. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see her jaw clench ever so slightly, her eyes narrowing. "Jenna, you coming?" Emma asked as she skipped toward the door, a mischievous look in her eye.

Jenna looked up quickly, being pulled out of whatever trance she had just been in.

"Oh yeah, I'll be right there, Don't wait for me." She smiled innocently, if Emma hadn't already known there was something between the two of you, this wouldn't have seemed weird at all. But the bubbly girl just gave a thumbs up before exiting your trailer, Hunter and Joy right behind her.

As soon as the door was fully shut, all of your nerves came back. This was the first time you and Jenna had been alone since what had happened, and you weren't sure of what to do, or how to act. What you wanted to do was hop up from your seat and kiss her as you had never kissed anyone before, but you weren't sure if she felt the same way at that moment.

But, luckily for you, she did. Before you had the chance to say anything, she was up from her seat, her hands cupping your face and your lips meeting hers. You couldn't help but notice that as she kissed you, her finger wiped away at the spot where Emma had given you a peck on the cheek.

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