We shouldnt: part 3- Tara Carpenter

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Word count: 1339

The drive to the hospital was long and grueling, your hear racing the whole time as your mind wandered. You had just realized you liked this girl a week ago, and now you were already faced with the possibility of loosing her.

As the ambulance pulled into the bay of the hospital, the paramedic who was driving turned to you. "You cant go I to the ER this way so you will have to walk to the front and check in."

You just nodded at him, unable to form any words of your own as you slid out of the passenger side. And as you began your walk around the hospital tears pricked at your eyes, your heart pounding in your ears.

You pulled your phone out of your pocket quickly, and called the only person you could think of. Amber.

"Hey," you sniffed as soon as she picked up, suprised that she had answered your call even though she was pissed at you. "its Tara."

"What? What about her?" Your sister asked, sounding annoyed with you. You didnt want to tell Amber that the two of you had been going behind her back, but there was no way you could lie about what happened.

"I was going to her house and when I got there-" you began, but she quickly cut you off, her voice harsh.

"Why were you going to her house?" You sighed, sniffing back the tears as you answered.

"It doesn't matter right now Amber. Because when I got there," you choked on your own words, remembering the way your heart dropped when you saw those police lights.

"When you got there?" She hissed, trying to coax the rest of the sentence out of you.

"Shes been hurt Amber, bad. I'm at the hospital right now and I don't know how bad it is."

"Wait what?" Your sister practically yelled on the other side of the phone, "I'll be right there."

So as the call ended you sat down on the nearest bench, your heart racing and your tears falling as you waited for your sister to arrive.

She got there within minutes, finding you as soon as she pulled up. When she first walked up to you she looked pissed, but after seeing the way you were crying, she stopped, kneeling in front of you and grabbing your hands.

"Hey, hey, it's okay hun, it's gonna be okay." She cooed, lifting herself and pulling you into a hug. You just melted into your sisters touch, glad to have the one person you trusted more than anyone in the world.

***time skip***

The two of you went inside after a minute and went to the waiting room. After two hours or so of waiting, she decided to call Mindy to let her know what happened, and then, of course, Mindy told everyone else. And before you knew it, everyone was there, Chad, Mindy, Liv, and Wes.

"What the hell happened?" Mindy asked as her and the rest of the gang turned the corner, all,of them having clearly rushed over there in a hurry. "I mean, like what the hell happened?"

"I don't really know." You whispered, looking down at the floor as you tried to hold back your tears. "When I got there, the police were already there and no one has told me anything." Chad just sat down next to you, placing his arm around your shoulders.

"Wait, why were you there?" Wes asked, seeming somehow offended at the fact that it was you and not him. You genuinely didn't have the energy to answer his question, but thankfully, you didn't have too.

"Dude, it's fucking obvious." Chad said, a playful tone in his voice as he removed his arm from you, facing Wes. Chads face changed into pure amusement and he let out a dry chuckle. "Seriously? Have none of you noticed?"

"Noticed what?" Amber snapped, her voice cold and harsh. You looked over at her quickly, surprised by your sisters burst of anger. But she just sent you a death glare and you turned away.

"Ever since our party on Friday," he began, sending you a quick look asking your permission, you just nodded and let him continue. "Y/n and Tara have..." He didn't even get to finish the full sentence before Mindy cut him off.

"I knew it!" She practically screamed. You felt your cheeks flush red as you realized how obvious you and Tara had really been. But before there could be too much celebration, a doctor entered the waiting room, a stern look on his face.

"Is anyone here for Tara Carpenter?" He asked, looking around the room. At the mention of her name you all got silent, your blood running cold. Your throat went dry and you couldn't breathe.

"Uh, we are." Wes muttered, seeming to be the only person in the room with the courage to speak. The man then walked toward the group, holding her file under his arm.

"She sustained very severe injuries," he began, tears stinging at your eyes at the thought of how much pain she must be in. "We were able to repair the damage, but she is going to be in a considerable amount of pain for awhile."

"What the hell happened?" Mindy asked, almost cutting him off so he couldn't upset you guys any more.

"That is going to be for her to tell you, I'm not entirely sure." He said, nodding solemnly, "If you want, you guys can go see her. She is still out of it but she will probably wake up within the hour." And with that he beckoned for you all to follow him.

The six of you stood slowly, following behind the man. You weren't sure how to feel, your heart was still beating as if you didn't know what was happening. But you also had the pit in your stomach of regret, thinking maybe there was a possibility that if you got there sooner you could've helped her.

It was a short walk to her room, and as you entered the doorway, the final piece of your heart broke. There she was, her leg in a cast, her hand bandaged, and her torso tightly wrapped under her hospital gown. And in this peaceful state, she still looked so beautiful, her hair sticking to her face.

You didn't waste any time, crossing the room and sitting in the chair right next to her. You didn't care that all of your friends and your sister were there, you just wanted to do everything you could for Tara. You pushed the stray hairs out of her face, entwining your hand with her non bandaged one.

Your friends all found different seats around the room, your sister choosing to stand directly across from you. You just laid your head down on the bed, and let your tears fall, the room silent.

***time skip***

You felt a soft squeeze on your hand, waking you up from your sleep, your eyes tired from crying. The touch was so soft you almost thought you imagined it and began to fall back asleep, but then it happened again, a bit harder this time, so you lifted your head.

There was Tara, her deep brown eyes looking right at you, her face tired as she tried to form a smile. "Hi." She mumbled, her voice hoarse, but still sounding like music to your ears.

You just let out a deep sigh, relief flooding through your veins as you looked back at the girl. "Hi." You smiled, your voice just as quiet as hers. And without another word you stood, placing a soft kiss to her forehead, your body finally relaxing. "I was so worried."

"I'm okay, or, I'll be okay." She responded, looking up at you, wincing as she moved her body. Just then the door opened, someone who you didn't recognize walking in, the rest of the group behind her. "Sam?" Tara whispered, her focus moving from you.

"Hey sis."

Jenna Ortega imaginesΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα