We shouldn't: part 5- Tara Carpenter

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Word count: 1337

***not proofread or edited, I'm at school and dont have my laptop.***

You and Sam sat there, the silence hanging over you.

Then there was another crash, this one louder than the last. Tara woke up this time, looking around the room and seeing the fearful expressions on your faces. She opened her mouth to speak but Sam quickly put her finger to her lips, shushing the small girl.

"Just call the police." She whispered to her sister. You then began to stand as slowly as possible, trying to be silent. "What are you doing?" Sam whispered to you, but you just waved her off, continuing your movement.

You just slowly shuffled over to the window, the blinds closed. As you lifted one of the panels your fear grew. There was a security guard on the floor, blood all around him as he lay still. And just out of the corner of your eye you could see the end of an all too familiar black robe.

You wasted no time and took the few steps toward the door, twisting the lock as fast as you could, still trying to be quiet as you did so. You then turned to Sam, your chest rising and falling as your breathing became more eratic.

"Hes here." You whispered. Before either of them had the chance to process your words, the handle on the door turned, quickly being stopped by the lock. And as the person on the other side tried a few more times, they finally realized it was locked, and began tugging on it harder than before.

And then silence.

As the attack on the door ceased, your fear didn't. You then began taking a few steps back toward the window, Tara trying to stop you.

"Y/n, dont! The police are on the way." She whispered, the fear in her voice breaking you. But you werent about to be ambushed by this psycho. As you peered back out the window you saw the masked figure holding a desk chair above their head, bringing it down on the door quickly.

And that was when you heard the handle clatter to the floor.

Both you and Sam jumped into action, throwing yourselves in front of the door as the killer tried to push it open. Tara began shrieking, trying to pull herself out of bed.

The two of you struggled against the harsh wood, watching Tara as she tried to climb into her wheelchair, but failing and practically slamming onto the floor.

"Shit!" Sam yelled as she saw her sister struggling. Both you and her had your backs against the door, using your legs to try and stop the continuous push.

"Go, I've got this!" You seethed through your teeth, using all of your strength to push the door closed. A shiny blade swung through the crack in the door, barely missing your arm before it pulled back. "Sam go!"

With those last words Sam moved away from the door, running to her sister and trying to help her into the wheelchair nearby. Without her extra help, the door was harder to hold, the crack growing.

The knife swung through again, slicing deeply into your upper arm, the shiny metal going deep red. You cried out quickly, Tara and Sam's attention moving back to you.

"Oh god." You heard Tara whisper as she saw you, but you coukdnt hear all of what she said because of the struggle.

But you werent going to let your injury get everyone killed. You used your legs and pushed harder than you thought possible, slamming their hand in the door, a cry of pain ringing out from the killer as the knife clattered to the floor. "Oh fuck!" They seethed.

It seems this sent you over the edge because you pushed one more time and the door slammed shut, your body not budging.

Sam then ran back over, placing her body right next to yours, keeping the door shut. But then the pushing from the other side stopped. The sound of the elevator ringing out. And as you heard the voices of police officers, your body gave out.

You fell to the floor, clasping your hand over your wound, blood running through your fingers as you tried to stop it. And then your eyes slowly fluttered shut.

***time skip***

When you woke up you were laying on your couch, your arm aching as you attempted to sit up. Your wound had been stitched and the blood had been cleaned from your body.

"Hello?" You called out. Even though you were in your own house, that didn't make you any less confused on how or why you were there.

"Oh hey! You're awake!" A familiar voice said, you smiled as you saw Mindy walking into the room, everyone else close behind.

"What the fuck happened?" You asked, because the last thing you remembered you were sitting on the floor of Tara's hospital room bleeding.

"Oh yeah." Your sister chimed in, walking over and sitting by your feet. "You passed out, the doctors say it was probably from shock. So they stitched you up and let us bring you home."

"Where is Tara?" You then asked, looking around the room and not seeing her or Sam. All you wanted to do was make sure she was okay.

"Shes in the other room," Chad smiled, "you want me to go get her?" You just nodded quickly, sitting up and trying to stand but your sister forcing you back down.

"Rest." She hissed, much like your mother. You just huffed at her and sat back up, staying seated to keep her happy.

That's when the very girl you had been looking for walked in the door. She was up and on her feet with the help of some crutches, but it was better than the last time you saw her.

"Tara," you exhaled, looking at the girl, relief flooding through your body. She looked up at the sound of your voice, her eyes full of pain.

She then came around the couch, tears begining to form in her eyes. And at this point you didnt care what your sister said, you stood up, wrapping her in a hug, sure to be careful of her torso.

"Are you okay?" You whispered as you buried your head in her neck. She just dropped one of her crutches, placing her hand on the side of your face, using your body to hold herself up.

"I am thanks to you." She smiled, rubbing her thumb on your cheek. She then leaned forward just enough and pressed her lips on yours softly, a smile on her face.

"Let's give them a minute." You heard Richie say from somewhere in the room. You heard everyone leaving the room but you didn't care to check, keeping your focus on Tara.

And as you thought back to what happened to her at her house, and what had happened to the three of you just a few hours ago, your rage grew.

"I'm just glad everyone is alive." You whispered. You watched as her eyes grew a bit wide before her smile dropped as did her shoulders. "Wait what?" You asked quickly, her change in body language quite obvious.

"Wes, uhm, he was attacked a few minutes before us." She said, letting go of you and walking over to the couch, sitting down quickly.

"Is he okay?" You asked, following her lead and sitting next to her. She quickly grabbed your hand, her eyes meeting yours.

She just shook her head lightly, the truth finally sinking in. That psycho bastard had actually killed one of your friends, and still hadn't been caught.

Tara just wrapped you in a quick hug, your mind racing as you accepted the touch. You wanted to protect everybody, you didnt know what you would do if Amber or Tara had been killed.

But you didnt have long to think because Mindy came stumbling in the room, her hand covering her stomach as blood seeped through her fingers

"Run." She hissed, and then she fell.

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