Im here- Tara Carpenter

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Word count: 2404

You stood there in shock, fear coursing through your body as you listened to the boy in front of you.

"She was attacked man, ghostface attacked her." You looked up at him, tears in your eyes as he spoke to you about Tara. She had been your girlfriend until about a month ago because you had gotten into a stupid fight about Amber.

"I-is she alive." You choked out, your hands shaking, unsure if you wanted to know the answer.

"Yeah, she is. She's just in bad shape." Your body relaxed, your head falling in your hands as you began to cry, relief flooding through you.

"Maybe start with that next time Wes," Mindy said, punching him in the side.

"Yeah dude, that was a bit harsh," Chad added, placing a hand on your shoulder. You had always been really close with your friends, but when you and Tara broke up you had distanced yourself to assure it wasn't awkward. But at this moment you didn't care, you turned into Chad since he already had his arm on you, wrapping him in a tight hug as tears streamed down your face. Within seconds both Mindy and Wes had joined, the four of you hugging tightly as you processed what Wes had told you.

"Where is she?" You questioned, everyone letting go of one another.

"She's at Woodsboro Hospital," Mindy said, looking at you with sympathetic eyes.

"Can I go see her?" You asked suddenly, wanting to see for yourself that she was okay, wanting to know that she wasn't dead.

"Yeah you can, but-" you didn't let Wes finish before you stormed off to your car, your tears still falling. As soon as you began driving, all you could think about was what happened with you and Tara.


"Baby you're not listening to me," you hissed as you followed Tara into her kitchen. She just dryly laughed at you as you said that, continuing to walk away, "why can't you understand what I'm trying to say."

"Oh I can y/n, I understand," she spat, the tone of her voice causing you to hurt physically. She leaned her body on the counter, facing you, anger in her eyes. "You are being freaky and controlling and don't want me to be friends with Amber anymore." The mere mention of the girl's name sent shivers up your spine. You had never gotten along very well with her, but now you hated her.

"No Tara that isn't it at all," you said, trying to walk closer to the girl, but she moved away from you. This action pained you, you had never expected her to be so angry at you that she couldn't even be near you. "I'm just saying I don't like how she acts toward you, especially around me." You said, tears beginning to form in your eyes.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" She asked, the anger in her voice rising, her hands balling into fists on the counter.

"God Tara, are you blind?" You yelled, catching her attention finally, "she is fucking in love with you and she makes sure I know it. Everyone can see it. Everyone except you of course." Your chest rose and fell as you took deep breaths, your emotions getting the best of you. The brunette had a sad look on her face, finally letting your words sink in. But after a second her gaze returned to being cold.

"Are you so insecure that you're jealous of my best friend? Wow y/n." She hissed, causing you to take a step back. Insecure? You were very confident in your relationship, you knew Tara wouldn't cheat on you, it's Amber you don't trust.

"No Tara what?" You asked, your hands flying into your pockets as you spoke, "I'm not insecure, she is flirty and disrespectful of our relationship!" You began to yell again, just thinking about Amber all over your girlfriend.

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