Fear- Jenna Ortega

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Word count: 1714

"Hi! We are here for the photo shoot." You smiled as you waved at the receptionist. She just stared down at her desk, giving a small 'mhm' and ignoring you and Jenna completely.

The two of you were both dressed in fairly normal clothing as you would get ready for the photos upstairs, so the woman didn't even look up at you. You went to speak again, but the woman cut you off.

"I don't care how much you love the celebrities, I can not allow you access to their photo shoot." Now, you did appreciate the fact that she wouldn't let any random groupie in to see you. However, she hadn't even looked up to realize who she was speaking to. Jenna let out a subtle but loud cough and the woman briefly looked up from her papers finally realizing who was standing before her. "Oh my, I'm so sorry."

"Not to worry," You smiled, she really was doing her job, "so where should we go?" You looked around the lobby for any sign as to where the room might be, but there wasn't one.

"The shoot will be on the thirtieth floor." She smiled, typing something into her computer. Your heart sank as you processed her words. You hadn't realized the shoot wasn't on the main floor, if you had known, you wouldn't have come. You had an irrational fear of elevators, to the point where just the thought of going up a few floors makes you nauseous, let alone thirty.

"Thank you!" Jenna smiled, grabbing your arm and beginning to lead you away. You and Jenna were co-stars in the hit show Wednesday, in fact, you were her love interest, and people had begun to ship the two of you in real life. But to be fully honest, you barely knew her, the only time you saw each other was during things like this. As you got only a few feet from the elevator you stopped in your tracks, your palms beginning to sweat. "What?" She asked, her tone quick and sharp.

"I- I uhm, hate elevators." You mumbled, trying to keep this phobia quiet. You weren't sure why you hated them so much, and you can't remember when it started, but it was something you couldn't get over. The brunette looked between you and the sliding doors, a small hint of disbelief on her face.

"Well, I would let you take the stairs, but, we are already five minutes late." She hissed. She then grabbed your hand again and began to pull, but you stood frozen where you were. "Oh... that bad?" She smiled softly. She had seemed previously annoyed at you, but now she just seemed genuinely concerned. "How about we go up just ten floors at a time and then take a break?" She suggested.

You looked up and saw the sincerity in her eyes, knowing that she did truly care how you were feeling at this moment. All you did was nod as she took two steps into the elevator, beckoning for you to follow. Your heart was racing and your head was spinning as you realized what you had agreed to, but she was right.. you were already late. As you took a final deep breath you practically flung yourself into the elevator, grabbing the railing and squeezing your hands around it.

As you heard Jenna press a button the doors slid shut, the slight whirring of the elevator beginning. You needed to not think about what was happening, in fact, you could think about anything at this point. "Say something," You hissed through gritted teeth as you clung to the wall.

"Oh, uhm, you look really pretty today!" She said sweetly, facing you so you could look at her and not at your surroundings. There was a quiet ding every few seconds letting you know that you had climbed another floor.

"Oh, just today?" You joked, hoping to calm your own nerves a bit.

"I mean you do every day, but, ya know." You gave her a smile, and then there was a slight jolt, the elevator dinging as the doors opened. Your eyes flickered to the number on the wall, some relief washing over you. "Ten floors down, twenty more to go. How are you feeling?" She asked.

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