First- Vada Cavell

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WARNING: SMUT (all persons 18+)

Word count: 2529

You watched as your parents pulled out of the driveway, slowly waving as you waited for them to be out of view. And the second they were, you pulled your phone out of your pocket, smiling.

You: Hey Vads, you wanna come over?? My parents are gone for the weekend.

Vada: You know I do baby, I'm on my way.

You: I'll see you soon.

Vada: Cant wait love.

You hadn't seen Vada in over a month because your parents had grounded you for going to a party Mia had thrown, so you couldn't wait to see her.

As you waited the few minutes until Vada would show up, you ran to your living room, turning the tv on and sorting through the movies, longing for your girlfriend to show up.

You decided that you were going to watch Jennifer's Body because it was one of your favorite movies. As you selected the movie and pressed pause, you heard a soft but rushed knock on your door, your heart jumping. You practically flew off of the couch as you raced to the door, swinging it open.

The small girl was in your arms the second your brain processed it was her, her legs wrapping around your waist as you picked her up.

"I missed you so much V," You whispered into her hair, holding her even tighter. She didn't respond, she just leaned her head back to face you and pressed a quick kiss on your lips, the feeling of her bringing you back to reality.

"I missed you more," She smiled as she kissed you, her words muffled against your lips. She was the only person in your life that you cared about more than anyone else, and she knew it.

"How the hell did you get here so fast? You live five minutes away..." You asked, setting her back down but not letting go till you were sure her feet hit the floor. She just gave you a mischievous smile and began to walk to your couch, motioning for you to follow.

"When my girlfriend, who I haven't seen in a whole fucking month, tells me to come over, I don't waste my time." She giggled as she sat on the arm of your couch, you going to stand between her legs, her hands beginning to fidget with the sides of your shorts. "God, I did miss you."

She pulled you forward by your hips and pressed a soft kiss to your lips, biting your bottom lip ever so slightly. You immediately felt butterflies in your stomach and a deep red blush rushed to your entire face. As you felt yourself get more and more nervous, you pulled away, for fear of what would happen.

"Baby, why?" She whined as you took a step back, letting her hands hang where your body had just been. The truth was, you had never really been with anybody, and you were scared of messing up. The last time you had gotten anywhere close to being intimate with someone, they then suddenly broke up with you, and those insecurities followed you everywhere. So, you made up an excuse.

"I wanna watch the movie." You lied quickly, pointing to the paused TV screen to the side of your beautiful girlfriend. It pained you to lie to her, but you just couldn't risk getting rejected like that all over again.

"Fine, we can watch it," she groaned, standing up from the arm of the couch. Just as you thought she was going around it to sit down, she turned her head back toward you, cocking it ever so slightly. "On one condition." She finished with a smirk on her face. She could see your face twisted in confusion, her heart fluttering even more at your unintentional innocence. "I get to pick the next movie."

"Of course, of course, now sit." You laughed as you flopped yourself down on the couch, the girl sitting to your right.

***time skip***

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