5 | Letters from the Unknown

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Chapter Five
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┌─────── ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ───────┐Chapter Five LETTERS FROM THE UNKNOWN└─────── ⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆ ───────┘

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The summer didn't fly by like I had hoped it would. Instead, it seemed to drag on. I had hardly received any owls from any of my friends and I had sent them one at least once a week. I feared that I was annoying them so eventually, I stopped writing to them and wrote in my journal instead.

My parents didn't have a lot of money, but my father had convinced my mother that we should all go to the beach. I never realise how much I was not a fan of the ocean until I got there. I didn't like how the fish would swim near me, or how I didn't know what lurked beneath the water.

Finn, on the other hand, absolutely loved the trip. He spent most of his time surfing and flirting with the local girls that were there. I spent my time sitting on the beach under a palm tree writing. I was either writing in my journal or a letter to my friends that I wouldn't send. I wasn't sure if I could still call them my friends. The last letter I received from any of them had been from Sebastian saying that he and Anne were traveling around the wizarding world. It had been a month ago.

After the trip and we were back home, I found myself looking through the mail, hoping to see something with their handwriting on it, but there was nothing. Finn had found me one night after that sitting at the kitchen table late at night staring out the window, but all I saw was my reflection. It showed me a girl crying over friends that had forgotten her.

"Li, what's wrong?" he asked pulling out a chair beside me and taking a seat.

I didn't bother to turn my head and look at him, I just shook my head trying to tell him that I didn't want to talk. But he persisted. "They haven't written me," I whisper, afraid that if I spoke louder then my voice would break as I was already on the verge of tears.

A look of guilt crossed over his face. "Maybe they've just forgotten." he tries to cheer me up.

I shake my head, "No, I wrote them every week." I say, thinking that if they did forget and they saw my letter then they would remember me. "I guess not all friendships can last."

I don't give my brother a chance to respond before I get up and hurry off to my room. I throw myself onto my bed and stare up at the ceiling. I remember the prophecy I got a few months ago. It mentions having a terrible childhood, I don't know if this counts but at the moment it makes me not excited to go back to school in a few weeks. It makes me not excited to see the three of them again.

I feel my eyes growing heavy and just as I was about to fall asleep there was a tapping on my window. I ignored it, turning over in my bed and facing away from the window. The tapping only got louder and I let out a huff. I get up and make my way over to the window. In the dark of night, I could see an owl perched in the window.

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