Chapter 6

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The lunch between us was silent but I honestly prefered it that way, I didn't want to know what max was thinking. By the look on her face I could see something was brewing in that little head of hers.

She was so beautiful, I wanted nothing more than to get to know her but at the same time I want to enjoy the silence while it lasts.

My brothers no doubt would destroy that silence, they would suffocate me with questions and to her well I don't know what they would say to her.

I hope they don't scare her to much. They're not even here and I already feel the tension growing in my shoulders.

"Um- so how many brothers do you have?" Max asks me after we finish eating.

"Three," I answer handing the waitress a tip.

She doesn't answer as her eyes widen at how much money I tipped the waitress. I can't help but laugh a little, she looked so innocent as her eyes were glinting.

Those eyes that duplicate my own and they did look exactly like mine, too close to mine. I could see the pain and the exhaustion. I haven't been able to be there and protect her.

I am here now.

I will try my best to open up to her and I hope she does the same.

"So do you all live together or??" Max finally asks me another question.

I chuckle a little, "god no I have a younger brother who constantly throws parties. We will have our own apartment."

"But we do have a house that we share. If you ever want to see it."

She nods "okay thanks."

This is going to be a long drive if she continues to give me one word answers and she often avoids eye contact with me, barely breathing.


I was so thankful that we had arrived at Antonios place, so we didn't have to talk pleasantries anymore.

I hadn't expected the apartment to be so comfortable and it was smaller then I thought it would be, there was grey walls but despite it being dark there was plants decorating the mantle over the fireplace.

I'm surprised at how homey it looked, its not my home.

It can't be my home.

I've never had a home, it's unfamiliar word I was unaware what it meant. Josh had been the only one that was even close.

Close but not close enough.

"Make yourself at home." Anthony says grabbing my stuff and carrying it for me, directing me to follow him further into the house.

"I didn't have time to gather anything for you, but I have a guest room you can use."

I look around the room in shock, there was a huge bed in the middle of the room. I don't remember the last time ive been on a bed. The blankets felt so soft and warm.

"So would you like any help unpacking?" Anthony asks me while eyeing me with a smile.

"No thanks." I really want him to leave so I can calapse on this bed.

He sends me one last smile and leaves me.

I instantly fall on the bed, unknowingly smiling.

I'm ingulfed by this bed as if I belong, it's warm but not suffocating.

I find myself falling into the darkness of sleep choosing to ignore the annoying noises coming from my phone.

Maybe, I could enjoy this for a little while, just until he decided to get ride of me.

I may as well enjoy the time I have before I'm back slumping it in with Josh.

My plans to be a brat have taken a backseat in my mind for now.

I want to put myself first this time.

I want to put myself first this time

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