Chapter 29

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I don't understand, not a thing, when we arrived at my cousin's place I wasn't surprised to see that they lived in a mansion.

With 10 people living under one roof you need a large space.

What really surprised me is the married couple that lives here adopted all of their children, must be lucky, when I was a orphan no one would even look at me. Like I had the plague or something.

But I guess I'm one of those lucky ones now.

"Stop staring and start walking, we have 10 very eager cousins that want to meet you." Leo says grabbing my arm and makes me walk in sync with him.

"I know I'm just admiring the house, it's beautiful" I say because it really was unlike Antonio's place this one was bright and inviting, with bushes and flowers decorating the outside.

When we go inside my jaw drops because it's way bigger then it looks, a big stair case and high ceilings, Antonio's house is big but this place is huge, with a more warm feeling.

This is definitely a home.

"She's here!" A young girl comes running down the steps at the sight of me, making Leo laugh.

She almost trips up at the end of them but Romeo quickly gets a hold of her, smiling as she laughs, "oops."

I smile as she faces me again, she looks about my age but a little taller and beautiful wavy dark hair, and tan skin.

"Hi I'm Grace." She smiles big and offers me her hand, I take it and relax a little, at least one of them is nice. Let's hope they all are as inviting as her.

"Hi I'm Max."

She giggles slightly and nods, "I know."

I nod and smile, I really liked her, she gives off a little awkwardness but so do I.

Another voice joins us, a man, looking and sounding way older then he looks, I mean he's.. gorgeous. Not like Antonio or my uncles he wears jeans and smiles right away.

He must be the father, he comes up to grace and kisses her forehead "you really need to stop running up and down the stairs."

"It's nice to meet you max, welcome to our home, I'm Liam." He also shakes my hand and smiles.

I nod, offering my best friendly smile "thank you, it's amazing."

He nods and smiles back, "your sweet, but it's all due to my wife, follow me and you'll meet the whole crew all in the kitchen."

I nod and a little nervous but Leo smiles and puts a hand on my shoulder as Liam leads us to the kitchen, "don't worry they're all very friendly."

I nod, feeling a little relaxed, liam was nice and grace seemed great.

Hopefully everyone else is as happy to meet me. I don't think I could take another dramatic person like Romeo was.

I take a breath as everyone walks in as Antonio glances at me, "it will be ok max, they'll love you." He smiles and leads me in just like Leo did.

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