Chapter 34

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I couldn't be happier to see Max like this, so excited to come back, we had to leave but I could tell she was happy.

It's so great to finally see her like this. I'm a proud father.

I want everyone to see and hear that I'm her father, I don't think it's wrong wanting to see her happy and feeling it myself.

Having a kid really does change someone, I never thought this would be my life but here it is and it's perfect.

I promise to be better then mine, I owe it to max and as long as shes opening up I should do the same.

I clear my throat a little awkward as I look at max, from in the plane she looks at me expecting me to say something but I just stare like an idiot.

This is harder then I thought, "um I"

She smiles and I gulp, why am I so intimated by her?

"Can we talk about your mom?" I ask.

She nods but fidgets slightly, "uh sure."

"But you said you weren't aware I existed?" She asks expecting some big reveal but shes not getting any.

"I didn't, but I want to know if you remember her?"

She shakes her head, "I don't remember having any parents at all." Just as I suspected, she must have gave her up after birth. It just doesn't make sense to me, I could have taken her, sure I was young but still.

Who am I kidding I wouldn't have taken her, it feels so wrong but I can't deny I was a mess in the past.

I'm not that person anymore and I'm so lucky we found each other now.

I nod at her but ask another question, "do you want to see a picture of her?"

She looks confused for a second "you have pictures of her?"

I nod and sigh, "we had a relationship, but it was very fleeting."

She smiles and I raise a brow, "yeah I kinda figured."

I shrug as she shakes her head, "I don't, I don't need to know her, she didn't want me there's not much else I need to know."

I sigh and nod, "I understand but if you ever change your mind I can dig up some pictures."

She nods but smiles at me, "I would rather see pictures of you and your family."

"Like of your parents, my grandparents."

I smile and nod, not expecting it but it makes me so happy.

"Alright, I have some in my phone but you can see my brothers and I in frames at the house."

She nods and I give up my phone, scrolling through pictures and stopping at a few of my brothers and I when I was a teenager, then when they were.

"You and Matteo look like twins." She smiles up at us, "it's weird."

I chuckle slightly as she continues to look between us, "I'm glad we weren't close in age then."

She smiles and laughs slightly still looking through the photos.

"Aw Leo as a toddler is cute, you have so many of him."

I smile and nod, "our parents were gone and I had to help him talk, it was weird but I had to be there for him."

She smiles and hands me back the phone with a sigh, "I'm sorry Antonio." No dad this time.

I should have known it was a one time thing.

"For what?" I ask raising a brow because she seems a little sad.

She shrugs, letting her shoulders go up then down like shes thinking about something, "I just don't want to be a burden."

"I don't want you to feel like you have to raise me."

I shake my head instantly not letting her think that way, trying to be comforting.

"Max I'm here for you, I'm your father and no you would never be a burden to me, Leo is my brother and I love him, I love you and I don't regret a thing."

I smile and just because we are on a plane it doesn't stop me, I stand up and put a blanket on her, it's not a hug but it's still giving her comfort.

"I will be here for you till I die, and even when I'm gone I will watch over you, your my blood and my family."

"I love you my beautiful daughter." I smile at her and she gives a yawn, blinking at me but smiling back.

Sleepy and listening to every word I have to say.

"We all do." Both max and I snap our heads towards Matteo as he smiles at us.

Max nods, "I love you all too."

I can't keep my smile off my face, needing to say and needing her to hear it.

"Your my purpose in life max, I want to raise you and watch you grow, hopefully you'll never get married but if you do then I'll be walking you down the aisle as well."

Leo laughs but I roll my eyes and ignore him.

Ignore all of my annoying brothers when they all join in the laugher.

Max only smiles back at me, "don't worry dad I don't plan on marriage."

That just warmed my heart up.

Nothing made me feel so much relief before.

All my brothers smile and we wait until max sleeps for business talk.

"Your never letting her get married." Leo mutters as I nod and shrug.

"Maybe, maybe not."

"maybe my ass." I roll my eyes and give Matteo the finger.

It's not my fault I'm protective. I'm supposed to be.

It's not like I would kill every guy she brings home.



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Part one of this story is over, part two will be coming...

In the meantime, you can go check out found family ❤️

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