Chapter 36

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Blood, lots of blood.

"Damnit Romeo stay still." I mutter as I hold my brothers bloody leg tightly, trying to stitch it up as more gunshots go off.

"It fucking hurts!" He groans in pain and tries to move but I keep holding him down. "Don't move or you're gonna get shot."

He's losing too much blood, I can't do much, as we try to hide behind a storage container.

"Shit, Matt I can't feel my leg." Romeo gasps and hisses in pain.

I sigh, "it'll be ok, just relax, I'll get us out of here."

There's blood on my hands and all over, it won't stop and I have zero experience on healing this wound.

"Just leave me, you should get out of here."

I shake my head "no way, we are both getting out of here, even if I have to drag you."

Like the stubborn person he is he still tries to move, "come on, you need to go!"

I shake my head, my mind is racing on what I should do, it's taking to long for more backup to arrive and we're loosing more people then we are killing.

I close my eyes and breath, "just stop, I love you brother but your not going anywhere, you'll die before we even reach the car."

My brother is stubborn but before he can argue more cars pull up and I could just kiss Antonio, he's here and helping take the other side out.

Without Antonio here I don't think we would have survived.

"Thank fuck" I mutter and keep Romeos wound covered. Before I can help Romeo up he passes out and just like that, it all happens so fast.

Antonio is at my side before I can blink, "get him in the car, I'll cover you."

I nod and just like that we are on our way to the car, once we're in I don't waste a second in driving Romeo to the hospital.

"Come on, come on" I mutter under my breath, I don't care if I'm speeding, I don't care if my heart is pounding out of my chest, I just need to get my brother help.

"Please help my brother!" I shout, we look like a bloody mess as nurses and doctors surrounding him in no time.

I sigh as I watch them take him away, "don't worry he's in good hands." A nurse says beside me.

I nod but it's hard to be convinced when your covered in his blood and seeing him passed out like that.

"Please be ok," I whisper feeling like this is my fault, I should have watched him better.

I should have had his back better.

If Antonio were there nothing like this would have happened.

I sigh as the nurse gives me a synthetic look, what a fucking mess.


"What do you mean?" I ask Leo as I watch him pace the living room.

He sighs, "just be quiet max I'm trying to think."

I nod and sigh, I woke up to Leo and Antonio talking and all of a sudden my dad just left.

I couldn't get a word in, must be an emergency, I just wish they would tell me something.

Leo finally sits down beside me and sighs, giving me a wary look.

"Is everything ok?" I raise my brows at him.

He shakes his head, I've never seen him look more torn up before, "it's about Romeo."

I nod but still don't understand. I just want him to know I'm not gonna panic.

"He's in the hospital."

My eyes widen slightly but I only nod, "is he ok?"

"What happened?" I ask trying to stay calm, but the expression Leo has on his face makes my anxiety go up.

"I don't know, he got shot in the leg."

My eyes go wider, practically out of my sockets and I'm no longer able to control my worries.



Leo sighs, "relax, no questions because I don't know."

I nod and let out a frustrating breath, "but Leo I deserve to know what's happening."

"I know max but I can't say, just let Antonio explain everything."

"Everything?" I ask as I sigh, "what does that mean?."

"How did Romeo get shot?"

He stands now and runs a hand down his face, looking like how I feel.

Frustrated and worried.

"Stop with all the fucking questions!" He shouts, making me take a step back. I've never seen or been on Leo's bad side but I can feel I'm getting there now.

He looks angry at me, "I'm sorry." I whisper.

He sighs and softens his expression a little, "look I didn't mean to yell but Romeo is my brother and I don't know how bad he is hurt."

I sigh and nod, offering him a hug "I'm sorry leo I know it must be hard."

He nods and pats my shoulder, "listen I don't know how to answer your questions, we just have to wait for Antonio."

I nod but frown slightly, "is he with Romeo?"

He gives me a weird look and after a small pause he nods, "yeah and Matteo."

"I just don't like waiting and not knowing what's happening." Leo mutters, probably thinking I can't hear but I understand where he's coming from.

I hate not knowing too.

I hate how confused I feel, there's still so many unanswered questions.

Now we just wait.

Now we just wait

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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