Chapter 33

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Get on the horse and don't stop, don't fall off, don't hurt the horse. When I agreed to ride with Romeo I didn't think there would be so many rules.

"Try again, don't be afraid ok?" Romeo says as we gently walk the horses down the trail.

I nod and sigh, trying to get in the horse again.

I try to get back on the sattel but end up falling, making Romeo laugh "come on get back on the horse."

I sigh and get up, it surprises me when he puts his hands on my hips and lifts me on to my horse.

"They're you go."

I smile and nod, holding on as I smile at the view, it was amazing.

"Okay should we go down the path?" I ask and he nods following close behind me, "just let the horse lead."

I nod and take a breath before I start.

I've never experienced something so relaxing, who knew all it would take is a horse and a travel

I never thought in a million years I would be here but I'm so glad I am. I'm starting to build something with these people and horse's apparently.

Once the sky starts to get dark, Romeo leading me away back to the house, I was reluctant to leave the horeses behind but we had to go back.

I smile as we make it back to the house, I was in such a good mood that I hug Antonio when I see him.

"Oh well hello to you too." He smiles down at me.

"Romeo took me out to the stables, we went riding and I loved it."

He smiles and I can feel him squeezing me tighter, "I'm so glad."

I nod as we pull away and I can see him and Romeo sharing a look that I don't understand but I'm on a high that I can't seem to get rid of.

This must be what feeling happy feels like. I could get used to this.

I can't wait to visit again.

"So let's say we have some lunch then go on home?"

I nod and smile, "okay." I don't know why I'm being so agreeable but I'm hungry.

He laughs slightly and has a hand on my shoulder as we go into the kitchen, I haven't really had the chance to get to know everyone but there's always next time.

To be honest I'm more excited about the horeses then the cousins.

I like grace alot but the horeses are just good company, the listen better then humans.

I'm surprised to see Romeo sitting beside me, even we were starting to get along, I guess we finally found some middle ground. I understood how he felt and now he knows what I have been feeling.

I might have told him that I'm scared of a family but he just listened and didn't judge. It's still hard talking about my feelings but it's getting easier, I'm taking it day by day and one person at a time.

I already feel a connection to Antonio, I don't know if I'm ready to spill all of my secrets and thoughts but I can imagine it.

Having a father that listens and supports you.

Sounds nice when I imagine it.

"So max, are you enjoying your time off school?" Cherry asks smiling at me warmly.

"It's good, I love your house."

She nods, "I'm glad, I just want you to be comfortable and to know your enjoying it so much makes me happy."

I nod and smile.

Grace smiles at us, joining in the conversation "she loved the stables mom. Maybe we can all have a family riding session soon."

Antonio nods but seems a little distracted on his phone, "maybe next time, we have to get home soon."

I smile and nod, home sounds nice.

Matteo then smiles, "we could always make a stable and get horses at our house."

That gets my attention as my smile widens and I look at Antonio, he abruptly looks up at us.

I give my best puppy eyes as everyone makes a sudden aw sound, I blush and look away.

To my surprise it worked as Antonio nods, "I think that sounds like a great idea."

I smile up at him, "thank you."

He nods, offering a smile back "anything for you."

I blush again but smile, never expecting this much from anyone.

From my dad, my family.

It's a weird thing for me to get used to but I feel ready, as I look at Antonio, dead in the eyes so he knows I mean it.

"I really appreciate everything, I love you dad." I say it so casually that everyone looks surprised expect Antonino.

He gave me the space and time to get there on my own and he hasn't asked for anything in return, it's the closest I've been to a real family in a long time.

I think he feels the same in a strange way.

"Your welcome, my daughter."

No one has ever called me daughter but the way Antonio, my dad says it, it's so natural and feels right.

My dad.

Having lunch with my family and with my dad. I have to pinch myself later it all feels like a dream.

But it's my reality now, my real life.

It's my life.

It's my life

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