Chapter 24

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I struggle but manage to shift my head over to the yelling voice, did that guy just call us..?

No, I must have heard wrong but when I look over at Scott he's frozen in place.

"Don't say anything max," he says quietly and stands up.

I'm speechless at first but I stand up with him and notice that the guy isn't alone, there's two more guys with him and they don't look friendly.

I really wish I told Leo where we were going, they all are way taller then Scott and I don't think he could take them if they tried something.

I'm a little nervous considering what position I'm in but I'll never show it.

Don't show fear.

That's the number one rule in my book.

When I look over at Scott he looks petrified, eyes wide as he attempts to stand Infront of me with clenched fists, but there shaking.

He's shaking and I'm acting on pure instinct when I take his hand in mine, I give it a little squeeze.

"Relax Scott," I whisper into his ear and he nods in response as the three boys get closer and closer.

"Long time Scotty," the other one says smirking in my direction, I feel so disgusted at the look in his eyes. Scott must have noticed it too because he squeezes my hand again.

"What do you guys want?" Scott has a slight raise in his voice but he doesn't look in there eyes, not like how he does with me. I feel confused but most of all I'm angry.

The anger came out of nowhere but it's sizzling up in my blood, no one should be scaring Scott this much.

"Just thought we should say hi, is this your girlfriend or something?" The first boy speaks again, the one that called Scott a fuck face.

Fuck it.

I can't stay silent and let this happen.

"What's it to you?" I say with as much venom in my voice as I can manage, while looking directly into there eyes.

I'm not going to be messed with.

The boy in the back has stayed silent, as the other two smirk at me and laugh.

"Wow she's got more balls then you Scotty," They tease him and laugh.

Scott looks at me, silently begging me with his eyes to not interfere but I'm pissed. I don't know how he can take this, I'm not letting it slide.

"Oh fuck off." I say louder than intended but I'll be damned if I let them continue.

There laughter instantly dies and now they look a little pissed. The one in the back has stayed awfully silent while watching us.

I make eye contact with him and he looks just as scared as Scott like he wasn't apart of the other guys.

"Maybe, we should just leave them alone," He says wearily.

The others just laugh looking like idiots, while I stand stern still a little behind Scott but not because I'm scared but because he seems to not want me to move.

Scott still holds my hand and I let him.

"No way, I have to know why this girl would hang out with a idiot like Scotty over here."

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