Chapter 22

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I almost doubled over in my seat, max called me dad.

She thanked me and called me dad.

How do I even respond? I can't I'm totally in shock, I mean I'm very happy as well but mostly surprised especially after all the rules I implemented on her.

This is the breakthrough I've been waiting for. It's a small step towards greater things, maybe next time she'll tell me about her day at school or we can all have a movie night?

Something fills my chest when we get home and she actually looks pleased to be here.

I might have a heart attack because dare I say she looks happy to be back here.

Nothing could ruin this moment, it's just so crazy how the little word gives me so much life. It effects me more then anything.

Is this what my father felt when we said dad for the first time?

I have to admit I could get used to it. I almost don't want to go inside too afraid of my brothers ruining my good mood.

"Hey why don't we go out to eat, rather then having dinner here?" I suggest stopping her from going inside.

She looks to the door then back at me, in thought.

"Sure but what about your brothers?"

I smile, "don't worry, I think they can manage something on there own."

She paused for a moment before nodding and I resist the urge to sigh in relief, I want this good day to keep going.

"Great if you want you can choose the place."

"How about Wendy's? I don't really want to sit down and eat."

She still sounds a little distant but I'm happy to take her anywhere.

The problem is, i have no idea what Wendys is.

I halt for a second as we lock eyes and I think she can read my mind because she laughs slightly.

"You don't know what Wendy's is do you?"

I shake my head with a sigh I admit, "no I have no clue."

I'm happy we are finally getting along and I hope this doesn't ruin it, I'll have to research every fast food place.

"It's ok, let's just go to a place of yours."

I smile and start the car, "don't worry I'll find Wendy."


I don't know whether to quietly laugh or to burst out laughing. Antonio is trying I'll give him that but he soon is going to get us lost.

He insisted on driving us.

Trying to find Wendy's.

I'm so glad I explained that it's a fast food restaurant, somewhere to get a quick bite.

Then I had to explain why people wanted fast food, he asked me lots of questions.

It was a little overwhelming when he asked me personal questions but so far it's been easy.

Who knew.

I certainly didn't think we'd make it but he got us there and we are ordering our burger meals.

He drives as we eat and a comfortable silence falls upon us.

"I really like Wendy's," He says but I can tell he's lieing, he ate the burger but not before complaining about his fries.

"Yeah I haven't had it in a while but it's been my favorite whenever I could afford it."

He smiles and again there's a silence but it's become tense not like before when we were comfortably eating in silence, there's something he wants to say. No doubt he wants to ask questions about my past.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for this talk yet but I know he wants answers, just like with everything else.

I can't lie, not after everything.

"I left the orphanage after one of the caretakers slapped me, I couldn't take it anymore so I left." As I explain I keep my eyes to myself, it's to hard to look into his eyes as I talk about my life.

"After I left, I slept in parks and sometimes on the buss if no one noticed."

I take a breath and say something I have never told anyone before, "I didn't want to go back so I just stole from small restaurants or anything I could find off the streets I ate."

Antonio must think I'm so disgusting, he must think that I'm some dumb kid for my actions, I feel it all so deeply I can't bare to look at him.

"I'm listening Max."

Those words shock me as I look up at him for the first time since we got here, he's silent again and I think he wants me to keep talking.

So I do, it feels so good to talk about it all.

To let it all go.

I've said it before but maybe, I have found a home this time.

I could get used to it.

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