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I woke up, I saw Jungkook beside me. He looked really cute, his long eyelashes, bunny face, soft lips, which I would love to kiss every morning.

He turned towards my side, I got a better view of him, he slowly opened his eyes to see me smiling infront of him.

"Good morning y/n" he said with a bunny smile.

"Good morning kookie"

"what is the time right now" he asked in his sleepy voice.

" Its 7 am"i replied .

" Gosh damnit! " He said and got up, his eyes were wide open now.

"I need to go back" he said. He quickly climbed out of the window and I saw him running until his disappeared at the corner of the road.

(time skip)

I reached the office, I just got off my car when at the same time I saw Jungkook getting out of a bus, it was definitely because he doesn't likes using car.

I pretended to not see him and went straight inside, as soon as I went I found Namjoon and Hoseok.

"Good morning" I greeted.

"Good morning y/n" they greeted back.

"Jungkook asked us to give this chit to you" Namjoon said and tooked out a small white chit from his pocket.

"What's this?" i questioned them

"You'll know once you read it" Hoseok said and smiled, I smiled backa nd went or my office.

As soon as I went I saw Xu Xingyao standing there.

"Good morning y/n" she said while stirring her coffee.

"Good morning Ms. Xu"

"I left some files and I would like you to complete it" she said pointing at a while bundle of them.

"Can't others also do it?" i asked.

"no, you have to do it" she said, i grunted.

"also are you dating Taehyung now" she said.

"Why do you care?" I said rudely and she looked at me and disbelief.

" Oh I was just curious, Taehyung um, is an officer at a higher post, you already tired to ruin Jungkook now Taehyung too" she said with an evil  smirk.

" More like you ruined him by making me speak the wrong speech, and he knows that you're upto everything that goes wrong in here, that's why he tries to get rid of you " I said

" The fvck" she shouted grabbing everyone's attention.

" Language Ms. Xu" someone said, it was Seokjin.

"Please mind your business and complete these files, its your work since you're a higher up, infact since you are so important in this company mind doing one more bundle" Seokjin said, she got flustered.

"Fine I'll do it" she yelled then gave a last glare to me and stomped out of there.

"Sorry y/n about her, she does suck like that" Seokjin said.

"Its okay, I just don't mind her"

"Anyways see you y/n" He said and left.

I sat down to start my work when I realised the chit which Namjoon and Hoseok gave me. I opened it and read y/n can you come to my home tonight, I will send a car to get you.

I got a text, it was from Jungkook 'y/n please come, I need to go somewhere with you"

Well okay, as long as I don't create trouble for him I'm always ready to go, where does he wanna go? date? no that can't happen right now.

After work, I was really exhausted, i stood outside the office, I had left my car at the office, I saw black car coming towards me, it stopped infront of me

The window rolled down, "sup" It was Taehyung, he winked and me and gestured me to get in the car.

"So you know Jungkook invited you right"  he said and I buckled up my seatbelt.


"you should really go to him, and look at irony you wore black today" he said.

What does he mean? I have a confused look

"Haha you'll know everything"

He dropped me off at Jungkook's mansion, it was massive.

"Hey y/n" I saw Jungkook appearing from the gate, wearing a black tux, he smiled at me.

"Hi Jungkook" i shyly said after seeing him in the tux, he looked hot.

"I'm so glad you came, i won't go alone this year" he said.

"Where are we going?" i asked, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a car.

"you'll know y/n, btw I am bit scared of cars, i know its weird" he said but I cut him off.

"Its not weird, its okay, if you're not fine i can drive" i offered

"Its okay I'll drive" he said and smiled.

He looked hot while driving, lol anyways, soon we arrived at a


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