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"She is my girlfriend, we are dating for a week, and we've slept " he said.

I froze at my spot. "w-what?"

"Seriously y/n" he laughed "that was sarcasm" he said then suddenly turned cold and came closer to me. I had flashbacks from last night.

I closed my eyes and looked away. I opened my eyes, he was quite close to me when he stopped at walked away

"y/n, is my love a joke to you" he said.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"Stop being so oblivious y/n, you know what I mean, just because I smiled with Xingyao, doesn't mean I am dating her or something" he said.

I had nothing to say he had a point, he just smiled but it wasn't just a smile it seemed more than that.

i have a smirk "you smile like that with a co-worker?" I said.

"and you go out and have fun, get drunk with a co-worker" Jungkook snapped at me, I knew it now, he was jealous of Tae.

"Well I fake dated him to MAKE YOU JEALOUS" I yelled, my ran my hand through my hair in frustration.

" so you were jealous" Jungkook said and chuckled

" you think its funny to play with my feelings don't you" I said with my eyes getting teary.

"hey why are you crying" Jungkook said, coming towards me, he tried to hug me I pushed him back he hugged me again but I had started crying alot. I couldn't stop myself, I let him hug me.

"Actually, Xu Xingyao asked me to fire you, because she thinks she is better, she said that 'I'm better'" Jungkook mimicked her in a funny way making me laugh.

Jungkook's shirt was drenched at a point with my tears.

"I laughed at that, because I'm gonna fire her now" Jungkook said.

"wait, why are you firing her because of me" I said pulling away from the hug.

"Because... well I got a call from Ryujin and....

(flashback) (Jungkook's pov)
" Hello Mr. Jeon" Ryujin said in a muffled voice.

" what do you want Ms. Shin " I said

"Please help me" she said

"what the heck do you want right now" i said furiously.

"Ms. Xu.... she did it" Ryujin said and started crying.

"What did she do?" I said.

"She made me the bad person, she planned all this because she was jealous of y/n, she said she would not spare my family if I let this out" she said.

"Why are you telling me this after week's and what proof do you have? "

" I have a recording, she called me to a abandon buling at night and I'll play the recording....

Ryujin played the recording.

Xingyao- "Ms Shin,you've been a bad girl"

Ryujin: What do you mean

Xingyao: Where is the respect you used to give me? after that shit y/n joined, all of you have forgotten your limits

Ryujin: Get the point, after y/n came you have been ruining things just because of a mere attraction towards our CEO

Xingyao: how dare you... its more that attraction, its true love

Ryujin: *scoff* true love my ass,

Xingyao: this knife is pretty right... just perfect for your filthy tongue

Ryujin: that's illegal -

Xingyao: I'm Xu Xingyao, I'll do anything and you would never know, just be quiet and do as I say

Ryujin: Or what, gonna k¡ll me?

Xingyao: not you, but will have your family, I already have done enough work, just one call to my people and and you're gone

Ryujin:you bitch

Xingyao: What? should I call them now? 

Ryujin: NOOO

Xingyao: I'll let this go, now I'll ruin Jungkook's date, you should act like you did it


"Why didn't you tell me before Ryujin Shin" Jungkook said with his
voice full of fury

"I'm sorry I just couldn't" Ryujin said as she cried.

(end of flashback)

"So I had her sued" Jungkook said.

"What? I knew it, Xu Xingyao must be behind this" I said angrily, of course Ryujin wouldn't do such a thing ever.

"That day Namjoon Hyung and Seokjin Hyung were working on his, and Jiminssi also was with the lawyer and stuff" he said.

I started crying now.

"Gosh y/n, you cry everytime" Jungkook exasperated.

"Idk *sob* I just feel *sob*  so bad *sob* being harsh on you *sob*" I said, Jungkook pulled me into a hug.

" Its okay y/n, its not your fault, I'm sorry for not letting you know things on time" he said.

" No it isn't your fault" I said crying harder.

Jungkook pulled off, then wiped my tears.

"Y/n" Jungkook said.


"Will you marry me?"

"I will"

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