Chapter 15: Loot and Boot

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My awakening that morning wasn't peaceful, My breathing was laboured and I was covered in a cold sweat. I couldn't stop the flashes of my blade against the sleeping man's neck, the sound of the thump his body made when it hit the floor rang in my ears. I squeezed my eyes shut and slapped my cheeks, the stinging sensation snapping me out of my trance and waking me up enough to trudge towards the bathroom.

I almost didn't recognize myself in the mirror, dark bags under my eyes, dishevelled hair and eyes that seemed older than they were. The red marks littering my neck stinged to touch, I must have been scratching my neck.

The hot water of the shower seemed to melt away the burden of guilt off my shoulders momentarily. However the harsh knock on the door of the bathroom snapped me out of my daze.

"Naruto, get out you've been in there long enough" Sasuke's voice called out irritatedly. I swiftly turned off the water and dried myself with my towel. I looked around for my clothing but blanched when I realised I didn't bring any with me.

'There is no way we are asking that emo for clothes, I would take our chances going out in a towel' Inner wallowed, her form wobbling side to side like a reflection in a pond.

I wrapped my towel around my body and mustered up the courage to open the door and walk out. Leaving a shell shocked, slacked jaw Sasuke standing there wondering what the hell just happened. I trotted as fast as I could to my room and slammed my door shut, quickly dressed myself and stumbled down the stairs towards the kitchen.

My mouth watered at the sight and smell of the delicious food Tsunami prepared, Tsukemono, Gohan and Miso shiru.

"This looks so good!" I marvelled, Tsunami's reaction made my grin widen.

I immediately shoved food in my mouth as politely as I could, The flavour was almost too good to be true.

"It's like heaven wept in my mouth!" I spoke loudly, the food already in my mouth muffling my voice. Tsunami waved her hand in front of her face sheepishly, Her bashful smile was too cute.

"Maa Sakura-Chan, don't speak with your mouth full" Kakashi reprimanded with an exasperated look on his masked face.

"Maa Kaka-Sensei, Don't just swallow your food down. Plus I already know what your face looks like" A cheshire grin spread on my face and the gleam in my eye promising trouble.

Sasuke perked up with a determined look on his face, Knowledge like that was precious among Team 7, anything we could use to blackmail sensei into teaching us something useful was like gold.

"You don't deserve to see Kaka-Baka's beautiful face!" I spoke, pointing at Sasuke and closing one eye in a wink. Sasuke sat back in his chair with a humph, promptly crossed his arms and sent a wicked glare my way. I rolled my eyes and stood up with my plate, walking towards the sink to clean it.

Kakashi's glare dug into my back as I cleaned my dishes thoroughly. The threat of revealing his face was more than enough to get on his bad side.

Tazuna must have walked into the kitchen when I was washing my plate, when I turned around he was sitting down making small talk with Kaka-Baka.

"So who will be guarding me today? I have an odd feeling about today. It's colder than usual" Tazuna grunted as he scratched his chin.

"Since Sakura-Chan and Sasuke have finished their training they will be guarding you. Of course I will be coming along this time." Kakashi explained as he nodded to himself.

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