Chapter 29: Last Day

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 I woke up with a slightly sore back, the odd position I had found myself in was sure to have caused that. It was the last day before the last part of the Chunin exams. I stretched from underneath my sheets and yawned, unwilling to get out of bed. The birds chirping from outside my window were going to lull me back to sleep if I didn't get out anytime soon. Groggily I pulled myself out of my warm cocoon, exposing myself to the cold air of the morning.

'Shit, it's too early for this, last day before the exam and I wanna sleep' Inner whined, she preferred when I was asleep because she could do whatever she wanted in my dreams.

"Wait a minute... Inner, is it possible for you to control me? Like switch me with you, even for a little bit?" I squinted my eyes in thought.

'I mean if it was possible I would've done so already, do you know how many times I've tried to guide the real Sakura away from Sasuke?' Inner rolled her eyes as if that piece of information was already known.

"Ouch, alright. Calling me a fake I see how it is" I huffed.

I followed through with the rest of my morning routine, making my bed and all of that. The most frustrating part was most definitely washing my face. While my acne was slowly going away, scarring still littered my face- mostly my cheeks.

"Goddamnit, How the hell do I even get rid of this" I groaned in annoyance, I knew there wasn't any advanced face wash or treatments in this world as health was more of a priority.

'I mean you could try medical ninjutsu again, every time I suggest it you turn it down. You either don't see my vision or you don't appreciate my genius enough' Inner huffed, sitting dejectedly in the corner of my mind, to which I rolled my eyes.

"No it's just because I've had better things to do or learn" I thought, having a nice clear face would look better, especially since I was to put on such a great performance tomorrow.

"Fine I'll try it" I muttered, raising my hands to my face and sending healing chakra to them. I grazed my hands over my face where the scarring was, however it didn't change a single thing.

"It's not working, got any other ideas?"

'Idiot, you have to tune it, the healing Chakra you're thinking about fixes wounds. Acne scars aren't wounds since they're already healed- Duh' Inner rolled her eyes like it was the most obvious thing on earth (It was obvious but not THAT obvious).

"That actually makes a lot of sense, but that's only a hypothesis" I pushed up my imaginary glasses. I took the healing chakra and changed certain aspects about it. I imagined it in my head as cutting certain strings on a harp and replacing them with different types. I held my hand over my face, checking to see if each change in my Chakra did anything.

On the seventeenth try a spot of my face was devoid of acne and acne scarring. I gasped, this was a revolutionary technique, a miracle! I made quick work to heal my whole face. The outcome was flabbergasting to say the least, I took a couple steps back and jumped around.

"INNER I DID IT! WE DID IT!" I screamed, my excitement was something heard not just inside my house, but outside as well.

With a bang, a yellow blur burst through my door looking ready for a battle.

"WHO ARE YOU EVIL MAN- TRYING TO KIDNAP SAKURA-CHAN!" Naruto stood posed for battle, hand at his Kunai pouch. We stood there in silence for a good 30 seconds before I broke the silence like glass.

"NARUTO, MY SKIN! IT'S SO NICE NOW!" My grin was almost on par with Naruto's sunshine smiles.

"Woaaah- It's so smooth now Sakura-Chan" Naruto squinted his eyes and got closer to inspect my 'new' face. I danced around a little more before pushing the blonde boy out of my room.

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