Chapter 27: Training For The Exams!

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(A/N: Deadpool is her spirit animal))

I woke up to a loud banging noise in the kitchen, I shot up out of bed and grabbed the kunai underneath my pillow. My chakra instinctively searched around the house looking for other chakra signatures, I lowered my guard when I sensed Naruto's chakra down in the kitchen.

"Ah shit" I grumbled and pinched the bridge of my nose in exasperation, my kitchen would be burnt down by the time I entered. I rushed to brush my hair and wash my face, throwing on a muted jade green spandex turtleneck and a pair of baggy wide legged charcoal sweatpants. I quickly inspected my face and sighed at the slight acne scarring dotting my chin and forehead. I might be in good shape but my skin has seen better days. I'm sure I could find a way to heal it but right now I had better uses for medic abilities other than teenage problems.

I tied my hair up in a ponytail and practically flew down the stairs to the kitchen. You could imagine my shock when I discovered that there wasn't a single broken item in the kitchen- that was visible at least. However it was very smokey, and while the windows were cracked open they didn't help all that much to help rid the smoke from the room.

"Naruto what did you do in here?" I coughed, waving the smoke away from my face in distaste. Naruto in question jumped around with his back turned to me before turning with two bowls of ramen in hand, I blinked and squinted my eyes in surprise.

"I don't even have ingredients for that so how did you make ramen at 5 am" I said in disbelief, the boy had woken up early to prepare ramen for breakfast. He passed me a bowl with a grin and brought a single finger to his lips.

"Heheh, I eat ramen every day all day Sakura-Chan, I know how to make ramen from anything!" He giggled as he started slurping down ramen. I shook my head and tasted the ramen, the flavour immediately making me cringe back in disdain. It was as salty as the ocean itself!
"Geez Naruto this is waaaaay too salty. First bite may taste like heaven to you but the second bite will surely take you there" I shook my head in concern for the boy.

"Huh...?" The boy mumbled with his mouth full of noodles.

"So what are you doing today Naruto?" I sigh, changing the topic before the poor boy's head exploded from overthinking.

"SAKURA-CHAN I FORGOT ABOUT SASUKE!" The boy screamed, abruptly stood up and panicked, sucking down the last of his ramen and running to grab his sandals at the front door. I face palmed and dragged my hand down my face in exasperation.

"He's in the hospital Naruto they won't let you in anyways" I sighed, my eyes softening. Naruto was too precious for the world, he was loyal to a fault like a golden retriever. Before he could respond the blonde was out of the house, slamming the door as he exited.

'We need to find someone to train us in something we're weak in if we wanna be strong' Inner pointed out. I raised my eyebrows in agreement and walked back up the stairs to my room.

'Where did I put my holsters and pouches' I asked Inner half expecting an answer.

'Pretty sure you threw it in the closet somewhere' Inner grumbled before swirling away to who knows where.

I scrounged about in my closet until I indeed found my holster and pouches. I made sure to secure the gear in place before opening my window and leaping out, the seals on the house automatically activating and closing the windows, doors and any crack or crevice from the inside out.

"Where should I even go? I could learn with the terrible twins but they've taught me everything they know with Kenjutsu already ...." I sighed and furrowed my eyebrows in frustration, this would be the hard part.


"Kami Izumo get your sticky stuff off of me!" I moaned trying to surprise Izumo with an underhanded tactic, the brunette man's face snapped to Kotetsu, his eyes widening. I grinned and used a simple substitution Jutsu, leaving Kotetsu in the mess. Izumo brought out his sword and sliced a hair away from my face, I jumped out of the way- creating space between us. I frowned when I felt warm liquid slipping down my face, I reached up to my face and wiped it. Gazing at my hand, blood had been dripping down my face, Izumo managed to slice me with the sword. It never touched me though?

'Sharp sword in the hands of a swordsman- a real one, you're not getting out without some cuts.' Inner cackled.

I rolled my eyes and started making hand signs for the head hunter Jutsu, I hid my chakra to confuse the poor man and when I felt I was under him I reached up, grabbed him by his ankles and pulled him under- Much to his surprise. He substituted with a log and got out of the way just in time, I cursed and returned back up to land. Pulling out two tanto from random seals on my shinobi boots, I blocked and parried a slash from Kotetsu which was dodged narrowly but effectively. I furrowed my brow in disappointment in my own skills.

'This fight has been drawn on for a while' Inner yawned in my head, reading a book in my mental library.

'Agreed but it's helping..... me get more of a grasp- on my chakra so I can stretch it.... out during battles' I replied, my answer choppy as I dodged, ducked, parried and pursued my opponents. I felt Izumo's and Kotetsu's Chakra signatures and realised they were starting to get low in the tank. I however conserved my Chakra fairly well, I still had a half tank to go which could be stretched for another three hours of battle or so.

"How much do you guys even have in the tank?" I taunted the men with a toothy grin, they immediately has to double take when they saw my teeth.

"KURA-CHAN!? When did your teeth get all sharp n' shit like Kiri nin's?!" Kotetsu burst out, eyes wide and brows scrunched in confusion. Izumo on the other side was rubbing his eyes as if to see if it was a dream.

"Kai, Kai, Kai" The brunette man muttered to himself as he held up the ram hand sign. My grin widened at their reactions and I erupted into a fit of laughter, I fell to my knees gasping for air. Tears gathered at the corners of my eyes. I held my stomach trying to catch my breath. I was laughing my ass off for about a minute before Kotetsu spoke up.

"What the fuck even happened? Why didn't you tell us before or show us?" The ravenenette man exclaimed, Scratching his hair.

"I talked you just never noticed" I shrugged nonchalantly, Sticking my tongue out at the two and shunshining behind the brunette man. I managed to land a kick to the man's back, effectively getting him down. Kotetsu quickly unsheathed his Tanto's and stood in place, I jumped away from Izumo as he threw a group of Kunai at me. I was beginning to get tired and with the sun setting in the background I would have to get home soon.

"Listen, It's getting late and I do have a couple questions for you two, maybe you can help me with something?"



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