Chapter 30: The Final Exam!

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'WAKE UP OR WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!' Inner screamed in my head, her voice bouncing off the walls and halls of my mind. I sprang up with eyes wide, looking for the clean clothes I had set out for today in my empty room. It was the final day of the exams, the day Konoha would be attacked by Oto. I could beat Sasuke or Naruto with quick thinking rather than brute strength, but a Jinchuriki fighting with extreme brute strength would be tough. Even Genma couldn't face a Jinchuriki. Gaara was fast but I knew how to shunshin, as long as I stayed out of reach of his sand I would be fine.

I also had trump cards- my seals. They littered my skin where they couldn't be seen, the chakra in my 'stock' seal had quadrupled, however it did need tweaking here and there. The first time I activated it, it had fried the tenketsu it was on top of which did take a very long painful time to fix.

I had already settled on a plan a month prior however I was doubting myself.

'Stop being anxious and hurry the hell up' Inner grumbled- not wanting to have to listen to my thinking a minute longer.

I threw on my clothing, making sure everything was crisp and secured. Opening my empty closet, I found my stash of extra sharp kunai and shuriken. I stuffed my pouches full, the weight of the knives were comforting in a sense. I turned to look at myself in my long mirror, hand grazing the Kubikiribocho's scroll.

'Use me' It said, I was flooded with a desire to unseal the sword- to wield it.

"No, I have a use for you later, you'll get to taste blood later."

I looked around the empty room with a sigh, everything would be destroyed during the attack so it was in my best interests to seal all of my belongings. All the scrolls were sealed in a small seal over my left hip bone.

"NARUTO, YOU GOTTA WAKE UP" I yelled at the top of my lungs, I went silent and waited for the thump of the blonde boy, yet it never came. I ran out of my room and opened his door, only to find it empty inside. "Shit" I swore under my breath and ran downstairs, I sensed the area with my chakra- looking for his, but it wasn't nearby.

'Jiraiya probably dragged him off to the exams earlier, you know you should take that example and hurry THE HELL UP' Inner screamed in my head, I winced and agreed with her.

I walked out of the empty house, giving it one last look before making my way to the stadium.




We were all lined up, facing the audience in awkward silence. Whispers and murmurs could be heard among the crowd. I turned my head to the side to smile at Shikamaru who was standing beside me. The brunette boy returned the gesture, though his smile was small- it was there. We all had been standing around for ten minutes already and we were missing two people.

A loud commotion turned the audience members heads, turning mine as well. There in all his glory was Uzumaki Naruto, the main protagonist and number one knucklehead. The blonde boy's grin was infectious, I grinned back, flashing my razor sharp teeth. More murmurs were heard from the audience when the orange and blue ball of energy entered the arena to stand with everyone else.

"You're laaaattteeee~" I spoke in a sing-song voice, tapping my wrist to indicate the time. Naruto glanced around the arena to look at all the people in the stands, he snapped his head at me and whispered loud enough for the other contestants to hear.

"Why are there so many people Sakura-Chan? And hey- WAIT WHERE'S SASUKE" Naruto bursted out yelling, whipping his head back and forth to look for the aforementioned ravenette boy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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