Chapter 24: Boldness and Boredom

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(A/N: My art on paper is way better than my art on a computer ;0;)

When we finally arrived at the tower it was nearing night, I had set a fast and steady pace that got us to the tower quickly. We entered a red door and into a large empty room, On a board there was a large board that had a riddle written on it. I rolled my eyes as Naruto tried figuring it out, I cut the strips of cloth that tied Sasuke to my back and let him flop to the ground unceremoniously. The Uchiha groaned and rubbed his eyes as he pushed himself upright. I ran my tongue over my teeth and winced at the pain of loose teeth, I had to make a decision.

'Knock 'em out, I wanna test something....'

'What.' I blinked.

Sasuke blinked.

Naruto muttered.

I brought my hand to my mouth and tugged on my front tooth cautiously, once I realised it was too loose to stay I swiftly pulled it out. Sasuke stared at me, his eyes burning holes on the side of my head as I pulled out my teeth. Naruto turned around with a look of horror on his face, He ran over and started screaming.

"SAKURA-CHAN WHA- YOUR TEETH!" He barreled towards me and waved his arms around, I winced as I pulled out the last bottom tooth. My molars seemed to stay but my incisors were the only teeth affected.

'Hold, Hold, Hold..... Hoshigaki' I felt Kubikiribocho hum and I paused, my mind running a hundred miles a minute when the sword spoke the last word.

'Hoshigaki....? I'm a Haruno-' I furrowed my brows in thought and unsealed the executioner's blade from its scroll. The sword hummed happily as I held it in my grasp, I felt an odd pressure in my gums and then something was pushing out of my gums.

"S-Sakura why-" Sasuke's eyes widened his voice, unbelieving and shocked, I turned to him and ran my tongue over my newly grown teeth.

"I....." I started but trailed off, my eyes wandering around until I found a reflecting surface, the sword. I turned the sword and opened my mouth. Shocked was an understatement.

My teeth.

They were sharp and pointed like a certain shark man, I stared and stared and stared.

"Sakura, your teeth are like Zabuza's!" Naruto shouted pointing at me, I blinked, snapping out of my trance and I turned to him and I grinned.

"I like them, they're pretty" I murmured as I focused my attention on grabbing the scrolls and ran my tongue over my newly sharp teeth. I guided my chakra to the seal on my chest and pulled the scroll from it quickly. Why won't they stop staring? I opened the scrolls and placed them on the ground, the teeth I pulled were scattered around and I backed up from the scroll, careful not to slip on one.

"Sakura w-" Sasuke managed before a puff of smoke erupted and there he was in all his glory, the nosy Iruka.




"Hey..... Long time no see huh?" He smirked, I sweatdropped at his dramatic entrance and narrowed my eyes.

"Iruka-Sensei? What's with the entrance? Why were you summoned?" Naruto asked with a bewildered expression on his face.

"At the end of the second exam, we Chuunin welcome the test takers back. I was just lucky that I got to be the messenger of you guys! And you made it just in time. Congratulations you've passed the test! I'd like to treat you guys to some Ichiraku ramen but-" Iruka wasn't even able to finish, a certain blonde-haired boy barrelled into the man and held onto him for dear life.

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