Chapter 20: Of Pages and Proctors

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I felt the prodding of Ino's soul in my head as she tried to take over, Inner pushed her out and sent her off with a genjutsu in tow. The genjutsu practically took barely any chakra and was quite efficient, in a few minutes Ino's paper was completely covered in scribbled genitalia.

Naruto seemed ever more conflicted as time stretched on, He was battling his thoughts of copying someone's answers. Even though I already knew what he would do, I still felt bad for him.

I essentially used the hidden mist jutsu, except I focused it on one singular point, Naruto's pen. I used the water in the ink to guide it across the page, assembling the words together onto the paper. The blonde boy looked up immediately with a confused look on his face, he snapped his head around before scratching it and slumping in his chair.

The extra message I set on the paper read: 'It's Kura, Don't look at anyone, just draw on the back of the paper'. Naruto was shaking as a genin behind him got caught, Kotetsu announced his team was disqualified. Soon after that many other genin were disqualified, One Suna-nin got pissed and called bullshit. However a bandaged proctor came forward with great speed and slammed him against the wall. Many others were disqualified, they left either with a fight or quietly.

"If you get the question wrong you will never be able to take the Chunin exams ever again."

Ibiki gave us the ultimatum of the tenth question and I couldn't help the smirk that made its way to my face. I tilted my head slightly and yawned, as Ibiki and the candidates spoke I set myself into a meditating pose and focused on expanding my chakra reserves, leaving them full to the top.

I used a chakra string to poke Naruto in the shoulder as he was about to jump up and talk about not giving up. He turned around with a confused look on his face. I shook my head, signalling him to calm down.

We watched as more and more people left the room. Once I counted the amount of teams necessary I nodded and spoke up.

"I do not think anyone else in this room is going to leave. I have concluded that the entire meaning of the first part of the exam was to gather intelligence under enemy watch, an Infiltration test you could say." I spoke confidently, After my explanation Izumo chuckled quietly. Ibiki nodded and continued with his speech/explanation that would conclude the test.

When Ibiki took off his bandana and the scars were shown I did the sign of the cross and prayed to Kami before jumping out of my seat.

"Micheal Jordan!" I exclaimed as I shot a fake basketball towards the wall, I was greeted with silence.

'They don't even have basketball here....' Inner reminded me with a face palm, I awkwardly sat back in my seat as Ibiki cleared his throat and continued.

"You must always consider the source of your information, Intelligence gathered from an enemy is not necessarily accurate."

'Blah, Blah, Blah, The executioner's blade is really quiet. Probably 'cuz we are gonna use it heheh.' I listened to Inner's rant quietly, hiding my embarrassment inside my mind.

I felt a chakra signature come speeding towards the building and stood up with my hand automatically moving towards my weapons pouch. Suddenly glass shattered and a woman came barreling through the window, in a flash a blanket with writing was spread across the front of the room.

"Listen up boys and girls, this is no time to be celebrating. I'll be your next proctor, Anko Mitarashi. Are you ready for the next test? Good, then follow me!" The woman barked out with a grin. Ibiki came out from behind the tarp with a sulking aura to him. He grumbled about Anko being late and the woman faltered slightly. The two proctors had a short conversation, most people picking up on bits and pieces of it.

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