Chapter 23: Three little sheep

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(A/N: me and my friend made some art, hers is the bottom right)
'Wake up, I sense three chakra signatures speeding this way.' Inner warning in my head, I opened my eyes abruptly and checked on the boys, I groaned, those sound ninja had irritated me too much. My chakra reserves were once again full and I needed to kill them off and burn the bodies before they caused too many problems.

"Stupid sound ninja" I muttered as I shoved myself off the ground and shunshined out of the hiding spot and onto a tree branch, I made two bunshin and had them henge as my injured teammates.

'They're getting close be careful'

A squirrel rushed towards me, I shunshined in front of it and swiftly disintegrated the paper bomb on its back. The sound ninja were close. The squirrel ran off into the forest, fur slightly burnt and singed.

"Where is the Uchiha?" A deep voice demanded, lo and behold three sound ninja stood a few metres away.

"Why do you think I would sell out a teammate? If I did that I wouldn't make it to the second part of the exams now would I?" I spoke confidently, my eyes showed no remorse and my cheshire grin promised pain.

"Well then we'll just have to make her, Torture is the fastest way to get info out of someone." The female called snottily, her voice making me cringe.

I jumped down to the ground and landed flawlessly, the Sound ninja following after swiftly.8

"I'm going to make this quick, there is no way I will allow you to get away without me 'borrowing something heheh" I giggled as I eyed the contraption on the sound ninja's arm.

The three jumped up towards me and I rolled my eyes, throwing four Kunai at the girl while she was in midair. It was very hard to move yourself too much when you were off the ground and I took advantage of her foolishness. I felt a bit more relieved when the knives slashed her shoulder, thigh, stomach and neck, However she only winced.

"You think mere Kunai will defeat us? You clearly have no talent as a ninja. Someone like you should make a little bit more of an effort don't you think?" The bandaged teen spoke with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"Leaf Hurricane!" A loud yell broke the atmosphere as the three sound ninja were kicked away at an incredible speed, the flash of green and yellow brought a grin to my face. The sound ninja fell to the ground and Lee appeared infront of me, a swirl of dirt surrounding us.

"It looks like you also need to make more of an effort." Lee spoke, his stance loose and tight at the same time.

'Don't do it.... Don't do-'

"Lee, you are very youthful!" I grinned, mimicking the blinding smile and 'thumbs up' pose Lee often is found using.

"Thank you Sakura-Chan" I see his back but I can practically already see the sparkling grin on his face.

"Who are you?" The hunched nin asks, eyes narrowing and chakra flaring.

"I am the handsome devil of the leaf village and my name is Rock Lee"

'The silence...' Inner giggled. A deafening silence had fallen upon the group after Lee's introduction. I sweatdropped and furrowed my brows but hardened my features when I felt Zaku's sharp chakra spike.

The bandaged teen then threw a heaven scroll to Zaku as he pulled up his right sleeve, revealing the odd gadget on his arm.

"That guy with the bushy eyebrows is pretty good at Taijutsu looks like I get to have some fun" I hear the bandaged nin mutter, He rushed towards Lee with his arm outstretched. I threw a well placed Kunai which he jumped over, giving lee the chance to rip a giant root from the ground. I raised my eyebrows and palmed four senbon into both of my hands, mocking Wolverine.

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