Chapter 19: Turbulent Test

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Waking up was tough. It was the rare morning where I wasn't sore from training and being under my fluffy blankets was a perfect contrast to the cold morning.

Still I managed to lug my lazy ass out of bed and into the cold water of the shower. My hair had become rough and acne was starting to break out on my face. After the shower I continued my morning routine and made my way to training ground 39. I wasn't surprised when Kotetsu and Izumo were missing. Since they were proctors they would be at the place of the exam getting ready.

I spent my morning with stretches and meditation to get ready for the exam. I had a master plan for the second part of the exams that would hopefully work. My back up plan would take much more work but It was still a good idea.

My Chakra reserves had grown quite significantly since I first started out, I had chakra reserves that now rivalled Naruto's. I was quite proud of my advances and improvements. I was stronger than Sasuke and would probably win in a fight with Naruto. However, if I never trained how I did over the years I would have never been able to get this far.

"Hey, Sakura" I heard a voice called out, I rolled my eyes at the Sasuke impersonator. The chakra signature was a large giveaway but the fact that Sasuke would never go out of his way to find me was an even bigger mistake.

I sent a kunai at the clone as I held myself in an altitude stretch. Once the clone disappeared in a 'poof' of smoke I pulled my leg into a standing second position stretch. A few minutes later another clone appeared with furrowed eyebrows, the wary look in its eyes made me laugh. I dropped from the positions and stood straight, keeping my posture perfect and my hand near my pouch.

"You should not doubt my abilities, Iruka-San. I know more than I say, Think more than I speak and notice more than you realize" I spoke with an unreadable gleam in my eyes.

The clone still came at me, Using genjutsu on me was a mistake on the clone's half. I walked through the illusionary barrage of shuriken sent my way with ease and quickly made my way towards the clone and landed a punch to its face. I was happy to know that my strength training had paid off because my natural strength was enough to kill the clone.

The rest of the day was pretty chill, I practised with the executioner's blade while keeping it hidden with Genjutsu. I practised with my shadow clones, slicing them easily as they came to attack with different weapons. By the end of the day I was exhausted and my chakra reserves were once again depleted.




The next day, once I finished my morning routine, I made my way to the building where the first part of the Chunin exams were being held. I greeted my teammates with a nod and took my place next to the blonde boy. We made our way towards the entrance to the room which was crowded by other genin teams. I scowled when I saw Lee being shoved to the ground by Kotetsu. I pushed through the crowd to lift the green-wearing boy up from the ground with a smile. I dispersed the Genjutsu with a roll of my eyes and patted Lee on the shoulder.

"I don't have time for your Jackassery Tetsu, Zumo" I spoke with an Anya-like grin on my face.

Sasuke scoffed at my words and walked past me to engage in 'peaceful' communication with the pair.

"Not bad Sakura-Chan, But all you've done is catch on" Kotetsu, staying true to canon, spoke, his eyes narrowing as he planted his hands on the ground to land a kick on Sasuke. I intercepted Kotetsu's kick by picking him up by the collar as Lee grabbed Sasuke's leg. I held Kotetsu up like a kitten and used my strength to wiggle him around. Izumo's silent snickers made Kotetsu turn red, I sent a toothy grin Izumo's way as I dropped the man child like a sack of potatoes.

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