Chapter 28: Gotta Get Stronger!

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"Oh?" Izumo questioned, raising his eyebrow, awaiting for me to follow up.

"I need a mentor to train me before the Chunin exams. My beloved 'sensei' arranged mentors for both my teammates. However it seems like I was overlooked once again" I felt anger bubble up underneath my skin when those words were spoken.

Izumo turned his head to Kotetsu, I turned my head to Kotetsu, the ravenette pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Shit kid, I don't know who we could get for you, who's training your teammates at least?" Kotetsu sighed, his hand ruffling his fluffy hair. I patted down my clothing- wiping dirt and smudges off the material and combed through my ponytail with my fingers.

"The Uchiha brat is being trained by Kakashi- no doubt learning his lil sparky hands technique and Naruto is off training with the Legendary Sanin Jiraiya" I frowned, my hands messing with a Kunai I had pulled out of the pouch off my hip. I spun the little knife around haphazardly, admiring the sun glinting off every time it revolved.

"Asshole..." Izumo muttered underneath his breath, Kotetsu glanced at the man, seeming to be slightly lost in thought.

"Only people I can think of that would teach you something new would be T&I members like Ibiki, but he was a part of the exam." Kotetsu mumbled beneath his breath, sitting down on a nearby stump.

Izumo snapped his head towards the ravenette man in surprise.

"She's just a kid Tetsu, You know what Ibiki did last time..." He trailed off, glaring at the man, the unspoken message coming across clear as day.

"Well both us and Genma have trained her with swords-"

"There's still the Library, Genma could just-"

"Genma could just what?" The brunette bandana wearing man appeared suddenly next to them, I jumped slightly and coughed into my hand- hoping no one noticed.

'Meh they're too busy to notice, I wonder what would happen if you ate 20 mentos and some pepsi' I scrunched my face in confusion, what did that have to do with anything?

"I need a mentor to train me before the Chunin exams"

'Because we wanna be able to fluff up Mr. Racoon's fluffy red hair hehehe' Inner giggled at the prospect of messing up his hair as the grumpy boy sat there unable to do anything about it.

"A mentor...." Genma narrowed his eyes in thought, the senbon transferred to the opposite side of his mouth and clenched between his teeth.

"I'm not very good with Genjutsu, I haven't trained in it. I focused more on Kenjutsu and Taijutsu. I am competent with ninjutsu so I got all of that down" I shrugged, offering that piece of information to help the brunette man out.

"I think Kurenhai would've been a good candidate but she's gotta help out her kids." The senbon twitched- clanking against his teeth.

"Orrrrr, Instead of a mentor give me access to all of the library...." I raised my eyebrows with a sharp grin.

'Fuck yes, unlimited access to the library, We could learn so much..!' Inner swirled around in excitement at the idea of the entirety of the library.

Genma spat his senbon out suddenly, and pointed at me in shock and curiosity.

"KID- The fuck is going on with your teeth! I'm getting old but I wouldn't forget Kiri teeth like that!" The man exclaimed, running a hand over his face. I flashed an anya like grin at the man, the reactions were always funny.

"So a magic sword revealed fishy powers and I had to sacrifice all my teeth-"

"Forget I said anything" Genma interrupted exasperated with a tired look on his face, picking his senbon up and brushing it off before placing it back between his teeth.

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