Sangwon gets shipped off to nowhere

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Sangwon considers himself an understanding person, even if he doesn't agree with other people's choices. But whatever crack his agency higher-ups were smoking when they enrolled him in a survival show was really just irritating him.

The conversation went a little something like this.

'Sangwon, i've discussed with management ways to promote you before debut. We've submitted an application for you to join Boys Planet.'

'... I'm sorry what?! I get the reasoning but isn't it, I don't know, unnecessary?'

'Well you got through the first round so you have to record stuff and hopefully you can get in.' the manager said it like it was no big deal.

'You're registered as an individual trainee. Under no circumstances are you to reveal your agency until we say so, it'll add to the drama and all that.'

'They're SM Entertainment for god sake don't they have money to promote me themselves?"

This was a common thought that flashed through his mind during the first month or 2 after the revelation. He's accepted his fate now but he's still grumpy about it. Now, Sangwon knew just how difficult promoting as a soloist is, he's asked his company seniors after all. But he didn't think SM needed to send him to a survival show.

'Just show your skills and charms' his older cousin Joohyun, more commonly known as Irene, said. To which Sangwon replied, 'I'm the most boring person I know, what do you mean charms?'


He could see the building already and was trying to put up the most unbothered expression he could possibly put up. Sangwon didn't want to get too emotionally attached to his soon to be rivals; people close to him leaving his life was something that scares him, it's what triggered his mental break that lead to psychosis and he most definitely didn't want to experience that again. Plus the feeling of guilt that he was stealing someone's place in the competition; he already had debut plans while the others were fighting to get into the final lineup.

The car stopped in front of the building and Sangwon got out with his belongings. He was given instructions by the staff who also took his luggage.

He walked into a room with hair and makeup stylists and a few other trainees. They exchanged some stiff and awkward greetings before Sangwon sat down to get dolled up. 'If it's going to be this awkward the whole time I'm jumping off the building, but I'm also not making the first move.'

After that he went to another room with two columns filled with star stickers. He pasted 3 stickers on his paper. 'No use being too cocky or unconfident.'

After that he finally made it to the stage. When he walked out of the K group tunnel, he saw the trainees he met in the makeup room as well as some others who must have arrived earlier. He could hear them murmuring, about him most likely. He expects that the attention wouldn't be on him for long though, he wasn't registered under an agency in his written profile.


"Wow, he's so good looking."

"Is it possible for a guy to look this pretty?"

"His face is unique, I think lots of people will like him."

"He already looks like a debuted idol."

"He dresses really well, I wish I had his outfit."

Unbeknownst to Sangwon, the trainees were in awe of his appearance. His face was uniquely androgynous, equal parts beautiful and handsome, with both feminine and masculine features. He donned an all black look; black suit jacket, collared shirt and dress pants. It was sleek and elegant, complimenting his face very well.

Boy's Planet added contestant: Bae SangwonWhere stories live. Discover now