A break well spent and Sangwon goes back to hell

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these are essentially a bunch of mini chapters

i don't know nct very well but from what i watched they're all chaotic. won will probably be closest to dreamies though i haven't come up with a reason

using this as a guide for the beginning if it's wrong i'm sorry_____________________________________

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using this as a guide for the beginning if it's wrong i'm sorry

Sangwon woke up to NCT Dream in his dorm. Maybe giving Jaemin the spare key wasn't a good idea.

"Get changed, you're coming with us buddy!" an overly excited Jisung exclaimed. Jeno body slammed onto him right after.

"What are you doing here... also why are you so energetic? Have you finally lost your minds?" Sangwon said as he shoved Jeno off of his bed.

"We're dragging you around the whole day. Hurry up or we'll be late! We even got you breakfast because we're amazing friends." Renjun said as he tossed a random set of clothes on Sangwon.

"I thought you have to practice? You told me you were promoting soon."

"Yeah, we can all hang out at the practice room!" Jisung replied.

Knowing there was no way of convincing them to leave him alone, Sangwon got up and got ready. 10 minutes later they were in a van and eating egg and cheese sandwiches.

"So what exactly am I supposed to do?" Sangwon asked.

"You get to roast us?" Jisung said.


"Also we want to know what happened at Mnet." Renjun said.

"I have to recap everything again?" Sangwon complained.

They arrived at the SM building shortly after and went to a practice room where they met up with Mark, Haechan and Chenle. During their practice session, Sangwon had a front row seat to the Dreamies' mistakes and roasted them accordingly, all while telling them of the numerous judges comments he heard.

The rest of that day was spent talking, laughing, bumping into more NCT members and Sangwon learning choreography he really didn't have to learn. At around 11pm, the van dropped Sangwon off at his dorm. Because of the planet's phone rule, he had gotten used to sleeping earlier. He got ready for bed and passed out, looking forward to a day for himself tomorrow.


Today on the schedule, Sangwon had a therapy appointment to get to and shopping for a gift for Seungeon's birthday that was approaching. During the show he realised that he overestimated how ready he was for a psychotic episode.

Sangwon walked into the therapist's office and greeted his doctor. He then wrote down and told her about the obstacles he encountered so far.

"I don't know how to go about telling someone about my condition. No one there knows I'm still with SM and have secure debut plans. It makes me feel guilty. There are many younger trainees in the project and if they need help I can't be a good hyung and help them."

Boy's Planet added contestant: Bae SangwonWhere stories live. Discover now