The waiting game and 5 minutes of action

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i don't even know the order of things mnet editing is so messy


It was the day of the signal song test. Everyone was visibly nervous since there was a reevaluation and the time they were given to practice wasn't sufficient for many. Sangwon was no exception, zoning out many times during breakfast.

After said breakfast K group was directed into one room and G group in another. Everyone sat in their respective star rankings and soon after the TV was turned on.

Masters Lip J, Seokhoon and Youngjoon briefed them about what was going to happen before the trainees were called in to be reevaluated. Sangwon thought about which group would come out on top. K group had more trainees in 3 and all star but with the short time given their rankings could go down. G group had many lower ranked trainees but their desperation could their rankings could go up. It all depended on skill and effort.

It started with the no star trainees who put in so much effort to improve but many remained at their current ranking. Sangwon had seen many of them constantly practicing and asking for help and it hurt to see them lack the basic skills.

Next were the one star trainees who didn't fare much better. Many of them didn't memorise the lyrics or messed up choreography. Other than Cong, no one made much of a positive impact.

The two star trainees were an interesting bunch, either going up to three stars or dropping to as far as none. Lee Seunghwan did very well where as Lee Daeul was struggling. Sangwon didn't know why there was such a large gap in skills when they were initially in the same rank.

They were given a break from shooting where the trainees moved around to talk to their friends in different classes. There was laughing with joy and tears of disappointment. Sangwon didn't move, planning on figuring out if he should have a character to play during the performance.

'Naive fairy seeing the world for the first time? Doesn't really fit though. I'll probably stick with new idol containing excitement.'


The three stars were strong performers and decent vocalists, making most of them stuck in three stars. Park Gunwook's ranking was put on hold which made everyone unsure as to what was going on. Sung Hanbin managed to get to all stars, appealing to get the centre position. The all stars welcomed him with open arms, clapping loudly for him, patting him on the back or just excited cheering. Sangwon made eye contact with him and nodded while clapping which conveyed his congratulations.

Others also got bumped up like Seo Won and Mun Junghyun. They made everyone cheer in happiness as K group gained more all stars.

Finally, the all stars. When Sangwon practiced with them there were some that he knew would drop, them being YueHua K group, Jay and Hoetaek. The were having a hard time keeping up with everyone else and since they were being reranked by this one performance they were at the most risk.

"Bae Sangwon!" a staff member yelled. How nice, he was starting the all stars off. Everyone gave him a round of applause and some yelled out encouraging cheers.

"Good luck hyung!"

"Alright all stars!"

He walked into the judgement room to see Masters pH-1, Baek Kooyoung and Solji sitting at the table. He greeted them and told them his name like he was told to.

"Oh it's you. I heard that you were good. Our expectations of you are high since you did so well during interims." commented pH-1.

"I won't disappoint." Sangwon replied as he got into position.

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