A new challenge with a new team

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idk how positions are determined I just winged it


The second mission was the dual position battle. Each trainee holds two positions and well, battles. There were 3 sections with 4 songs each.

Sangwon was sure of targeting the Vocal and Dance section but was torn between 2 songs. He knew that Seungeon would go to Home, should he meet him there? Or should he go for Butterfly and show a soft side with beautiful falsettos? Either way he already knew both songs well, having them on his sad playlist.

The order of choosing songs was from lowest to highest rank but with the added twist of a push war. He almost laughed out of pity at the look of the G group trainees' faces.

The push war started, with many being pushed out of Tomboy and Love Killa. Before he knew it Sangwon was being called up.

"Rank 21, Bae Sangwon. Please choose the song you want to perform." Huta said.

Sangwon looked at his preferred songs. Home was empty. No surprise there, everyone was terrified of it. Butterfly had 3 of its 5 spaces occupied, Kuan Jui, Junseo and Brian were already there. Around him he could hear murmurs.

"Do you think he'll choose Home?"

"I don't think any of the songs suit him though..."

"We really don't know enough about him. He could choose any of the songs and we would be surprised."

Sangwon walked forward to the Vocal and Dance section. He stood in front and looked at Butterfly team, silently asking if they allowed him to join. They looked at each other in a silent discussion. I mean they were practically strangers, why would they let him in?

They nodded at smiled.

Sangwon walked to Butterfly. He could hear the other contestant letting out sounds of awe. 'Woah's and 'Really?'s filled his ears. He willed himself not to care. And as he took his place next to Brian, he thought that maybe this would be the start of something great.


After the song selection, the teams spread out around the room to fix positions and practice.

"Why did you guys choose Butterfly?" Kuan Jui asked. Sangwon thought he was trying to break the ice.

Sangwon had his reason, he just wasn't sure if he wanted to share it with them.

"I really want to show that I'm not a one trick pony who can only do cold concepts. Also the falsettos in the song really draw me in, I think I can win some points by showing I can do it." He said instead. Everyone nodded, satisfied with the answer.

Junseo shared that he wasn't confident with his skills. They did their best to encourage him, Sangwon pat his knee as he was sitting beside him.

Butterfly team had already elected a leader in Kuan Jui. Now they were discussing the Killing part.

Brian suggested a freestyle dance to determine who. Sangwon thought it had merit but had a different idea.

"I have an idea but it means giving Rui hyung the killing part, so we're only doing it if everyone's okay with that. For the choreography section you should do some contemporary things to go along with the instrumental."

The others nodded albeit apprehensively.

"What about however wants it can try it out and if Kuan Jui gets the part we'll do your idea?" Cong suggested. Sangwon agreed. It was fair enough.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2023 ⏰

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