Chapter Twenty-Three

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Chapter Twenty-Three

Carlos and Dylan entered the car park, where Charles and Lando were leaning against their cars. As he saw her come in, Lando rushed over and exclaimed, "Shit, Dee. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." She reassured him, "Sore, but fine. How was the end of your race?"

He shrugged, "Abolutely awful. Crashed out on Turn 8."

"Oh fuck, well I'm glad you're alright as well."

"Dreadful day for both of us!" He said cheerfully, taking over the pushing of her wheelchair as Carlos searched for his keys, "At least its over now."

The Ferrari beeped as it unlocked and Lando opened the door. Charles and Carlos each put their arms under Dylan's shoulders, using their strength to take the weight off her. They eased her down into Carlos' front seat and she relaxed. Her cousin had spoken with the medical staff before they departed and scored her some stronger drugs, so the pain was nicely numbed as of that moment.

"Okay, see you back at the hotel." Charles smiled kindly, shutting the door.

She was left in the car for a minute by herself and she could see them through the window, talking a few feet away. Carlos was frowning, and angrily gesticulating with his hands, pointing back towards the Red Bull garage where they'd come from. He was so stereotypically Spanish at times, and it would have usually made Dylan laugh but his still-hot temper was concerning to her. 

It didn't take a genius to work out that he was ranting about Max and Dylan knew she had to force the conversation or else life would keep getting in the way. She'd missed so many opportunities to speak to him this weekend.

Truthfully, she hadn't worked that hard to make the conversation happen, mainly because she was slightly dreading what he would say. However, she knew her selfish actions were unfair on Max, still bearing the brunt of Carlos' anger, they were unfair on Carlos, who didn't have all the information to make a correct assessment of his friend, and they were unfair on the other drivers, pulled into this drama and probably missing their friend.

Lando and Charles caught her eye, waving goodbye as they headed back to their own cars, and Carlos climbed into the drivers' seat. As he started up the engine and pulled out onto the street, Dylan bit the bullet.

"Carlos, we have to talk about Max."

His hands gripped the steering wheel tighter, "I knew it. What did he say to you?"

"Nothing bad!" She insisted, "This is all my fault - I've been trying to talk to you all weekend but I kept missing you and making a mess of things."

"What are you talking about?"

"Look- I know what Max did before was wrong but ever since that night in Italy, he's stopped treating me like that. And I love and appreciate you so much for looking out for me, but it breaks my heart to see you so mad at him when you were such good friends for so long. I've been trying to tell you that his behaviour's changed so you don't need to be so mad at him anymore."

Carlos took a minute to digest the information before speaking, "Has he apologised to you?"

"He apologised for the bar fight, yes."

"But not for all those weeks before?"

Dylan thought back, realising that, no, Max had technically never apologised for all the weeks he was awful towards her. She'd been so caught up in her confusing feelings for him that she'd not even registered that such an apology hadn't escaped him. Nevertheless, actions spoke louder than words and she was hoping Carlos would see that.

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