Chapter Forty-Eight

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Chapter Forty-Eight

"Dylan! Hello, sweetheart!"

A cloud of expensive perfume and the cold feel of silk overwhelmed Dylan as she was almost tackled into a hug. She stumbled back but managed to stay on her footing and then laughed, returning the hug in full force.

"Hi, Sophie!"

Max's mum pulled back and held Dylan by the shoulders, taking her in like a mother who hadn't seen her child in months.

Sophie was looking well. Her tanned skin was glowing and she wore a white, silk blouse with some navy trousers. Dylan wondered if she ever left the house without looking impeccably put together.

"You look gorgeous." The older woman praised kindly, "Much happier."

The undertone in her words wasn't lost on Dylan and she flushed, realising the last time she'd seen the woman, she and Max were only in the earliest days of their feelings for one another. While both of them had assumed it was their deepest, darkest secret, Sophie had seen straight through the pair and had known it was only a matter of time. 

She couldn't imagine what her reaction had been when she found out. 

"I am happier." Dylan admitted, "I should thank you for your advice at the time, I did really bear it in mind." 

Sophie waved a dismissive hand, "Everyone would be happier if they took my advice. I should be running the world. I only wish you had acted sooner, I lost £40 to Bradley!"


They both turned around and saw an annoyed Max pacing towards them, a deep-set frown on his face. He relaxed slightly as he saw his mother stood with Dylan but he still looked frustrated as he approached.

"Hello, schatje."

"Don't even." He snapped, "I told you not to wander off, I was gone for five minutes!"

"I wasn't wandering off, I was looking for your lovely girlfriend." She teased.

"That is wanderi- for fucks sake, I can't be dealing with this. Fine, stay with Dylan. I have to find Brad."

He was gone before either of them could reply and Dylan bit her lip, looking to Sophie awkwardly, "He- um, it's just the qualifying stress. He didn't have a good practice run."

Sophie accepted her answer and allowed Dylan to lead her to the hospitality area, where they could catch up over some tea. Truthfully, Max had been a little bit off for the entire weekend. Ever since Thursday, he'd been more distant than usual and she was worrying that something was wrong. Certainly, it was like he was lost in his thoughts half the time.

It had been reflected in his driving as well.

He'd been out of the top 5 for all three of the practice sessions and he hadn't taken it well. Dylan had overheard him in a loud shouting match with Christian and then later with Brad. She'd tried to talk to him but he'd brushed it off and changed the topic. 

Dylan had tried her best not to let it get to her; she knew Silverstone was another big one that he wanted to win and it explained the extra pressure he was probably putting on himself. Plus, it wasn't like he had been rude to her at all. He was as kind as ever, just slightly less attentive than she'd come to expect. 

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