Chapter Forty-One

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Chapter Forty-One

The door of the taxi opened and they were blinded instantly, the clicks of flashes bright in their eyes. Dylan was prepared this time with Max's sunglasses sitting comfortably on her face and her hand in his. He stepped out confidently before helping her and then he was guiding them through the crowd, shoving any photographers who got a little bit too close.

Hunter wasn't far behind, a dazed grin on his face as he took in the media. He looked like he was living his celebrity fantasy, waving at the reporters before he hurried after Dylan and Max.

They were let into the club easily and they waited in the foyer for the rest of the group.

"Tell me honestly." Hunter said, already tipsy from the shots Max had bought him at the hotel, "Did I look like a movie star?"

Dylan laughed, "Yes, you absolutely did."

The rest of their friends followed in shortly. Lando headed straight over to Dylan, collapsing in her arms and giggling. She stumbled back in her heels and probably would have gone flying if Max hadn't still had a firm arm around her waist.

"Dee-Dee! Are you ready to partyyyyy?"

Lando had finished in the points today and was clearly celebrating.

George came to Dylan's rescue, prying a laughing Lando off her and rolling his eyes, "Come on, let's get him a seat and some water. He's not gonna last two hours at this rate."

They headed out of the foyer and into the main club, instantly being met with the insane jump in volume. The beat thrummed through Dylan's body, the vibrations tingling through to her fingertips. It was dark as they moved through the dance floor, the only light came from the occasional white strobe flashes and it was then that they could see through the hazy dry ice smoke to the VIP section.

Max went before her, clearing a path and keeping his hand in hers to guide her through.

At the back of the room was a curtained-off section, monitored by a security guard with a clipboard. He recognised the group and let them through, observing everyone's faces as they went in so he could take note of who to allow in later.

Behind the curtain was a slightly quieter room, filled with plush sofas and small tables and lit with the low glow of purple lights. The boys instantly headed over to the small bar in the corner of the room. Danny dragged Hunter along with them, having bonded with him at the hotel.

They all knew Danny was a secret Texan so it made complete sense that they'd got along so well.

"Dee, fancy a dance?" Carmen appeared behind her, wrapping her in a hug.

"Yes, absolutely, girl!"

"Where's Lily?"

Dylan and Carmen looked around for their friend, who had mysteriously disappeared.

Just as they were about to give up and go dance alone, a small figure appeared from the crowd of the boys at the bar with a drinks tray in hand.

"Drinks, ladies?" Lily walked over to them with a smile, balancing three tequila shots and three cocktails on the tray, just like they'd had countless times at other clubs across the season. It had become their little tradition.

"Yes, Lil!"

She put the tray down on one of the tables near to them and the girls reached for their shots, clinking them together before throwing them back. They all winced and grabbed their cocktails, using the sweet drink to chase away the bitter spirit.

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