Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Outside, Charles had managed to get Carlos in a car without any paparazzi catching sight of him. He wasn't bleeding like Max was but he still looked like he'd been in an altercation and it wouldn't take a genius to put two and two together. Luckily, the bar had been practically empty but that didn't guarantee that the incident would stay private. They just had to hope that none of the staff caught anything on camera or went straight to the press.

Lando's hand was on Dylan's back as he guided her towards the same car, helping her into the seat. Her hands were shaking from the adrenaline and as the driver pulled away, she tried to process what had just happened. Her mind jumped between different flashes of the evening and she couldn't make sense of how everything had gone so wrong in such a short time. 

It was potentially one of the most uncomfortable car journeys she had ever taken. Charles and Carlos were talking rapidly in Italian and her stomach twisted every time she heard her name. She could speak passable Italian but they were both going too fast for her to comprehend and she remained clueless.

Charles seemed to be getting increasingly agitated at whatever Carlos was telling him and by the time they got back to the hotel, both of them had thunderous glares on their faces.

"I really wish I knew what was happening." Lando mumbled as he helped Dylan out of the car.

"I really don't think you do." She replied with a defeated sigh.

For all her hard work at keeping everyone happy over the last few weeks, Dylan had an unsettling feeling in her gut that it had all come crashing down. Unsurprisingly, Max had ruined it and now she'd been left to pick up the pieces. 

They made their way inside the hotel and back to Dylan's room. Carlos typically would walk her back to make sure she got home okay but she had a feeling the conversation wouldn't be ending at the door this time. She swiped her entry card and opened the door as it flashed green. Sure enough, both Ferrari drivers followed her in along with a very confused Lando who was warily watching his friends.

The silence was unbearable as Dylan unlaced her heels and sat down on her bed. She took her jewellery off and placed her handbag on her bedside table before calmly looking at her cousin who had yet to speak.

He was stood at the end of her bed with his arms crossed, looking just about as furious as she'd ever seen. She knew she should be saying something, he was owed apologies and explanations but she was so mentally exhausted that she didn't even know where to begin. 

The top part of his cheek was starting to swell so she said, "Would you like an ice pack?"

"What the f-" Carlos caught himself as he started to swear again, "Why didn't you talk to me, Dylan?"

"You'll have to be more specific." She mumbled, trying to extend her last moments of peace before she'd be forced to explain everything.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." He snapped, "Max. Why didn't you tell me how he was treating you?"

Dylan looked down at her hands, picking at the chipped nail varnish. This conversation had come a lot sooner than she'd been hoping for and she wasn't really prepared for it. All those forced smiles, hidden tears, and fake stories of her and Max's conversations, had been for nothing and she was partly embarrassed as the true nature of their working relationship had been exposed.

Christian could shoulder some of the blame here; he'd pushed for Max to go out with them and she knew it was a doomed idea.

"I was handling everything fine."

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