Chapter Forty-Seven

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Chapter Forty-Seven

Despite his P2 in Monaco, Max bounced back to win the next two races in Azerbaijan and Canada. The entire Red Bull team came out to celebrate in Baku as Max took the lead back from Charles, who had momentarily been running in first place. Dylan had partied hard with her pit crew friends and Hunter and the headache she'd received the next day had been evidence of that.

In Montreal, Carmen had been feeling low after some hateful media attention so Dylan skipped the afterparty to stay in the hotel and comfort her. Max had been uncertain about going out without her - he felt guilty to leave her behind - but she had firmly kicked him out the door with Lando and the two of them had sent her some grinning photos from a bar, so she knew they'd had a good time at least. 

This week was the Silverstone Grand Prix.

Their plane had just touched down at London Gatwick and Dylan was already nervous. She'd be staying at home this weekend as she only lived half an hour from the circuit and that meant seeing her parents again. It had been a tactical move to avoid going home for the entire season; she knew they were disappointed in all the media drama that had surrounded her and she would now have to actually talk to them about Max, rather than pretending he didn't exist. 

Unfortunately, that was not even the worst of it. 

Christian had surprised Dylan with two hospitality paddock passes for her parents for the entire weekend. Since Hunter had shown his parents around the garage and helped them see what he did for work, Christian thought it was only fair that Dylan got the same experience at her home race. With their work, they'd only be able to attend on the Sunday but the gesture was thoughtful nonetheless.

Truly, it was a lovely thought...if not for one slight problem.

Sophie, Max's mum, was also coming to the race this weekend.

Dylan had invited her way back when they were in Hasselt and to be honest, she had completely forgotten about her offer. It wasn't until Max mentioned that his mum had booked her flight that she remembered and then the panic set in.

It wasn't an issue of passes or accommodation; Max saw to it that Sophie had her own pass and he paid for her hotel in the same building he was staying in with Brad.

No, the issue was the thought of Sophie and her parents in the same hospitality room. 

"It's a bit early for 'meet the parents', don't you think?!" Dylan had exclaimed to Hunter as they'd boarded the plane.

"Well, there's not a lot you can do about it now" He had laughed unsympathetically. 

So, that was what was hanging over Dylan's head this week and she was dreading every second of it. Sophie and her mum would probably be fine but it was her dad who would likely make things awkward. She didn't even need to ask him to already know that he did not approve of her relationship or probably even approve of her still working in F1; that was just his nature. 

In the arrivals zone, the team stood scattered, some grabbing coffees, others looking for food, and there were a few people already waving their goodbyes. Most of the team was originally from the UK which meant it was a much smaller group heading on the team bus to the hotel. Brad had opted to stay in the hotel to remain close to Max for training purposes but all the pit crew boys were heading to Mike's house and half of the strategy team had already disappeared out the doors. 

Dylan was delaying her inevitable taxi journey for a few more minutes with Max. 

"You're being silly." He chastised gently when she wrapped her arms around his stomach and refused to let go, "I'm going to see you tomorrow!"

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