Chapter Forty-Four

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Chapter Forty-Four

It was Wednesday afternoon, their last bout of freedom before the race weekend officially began, and the girls were lying on the deck of Charles' yacht.

Yes, after discovering that Max owned a private jet, Dylan had decided to audit all her friends and their luxurious transport methods. The numerous cars they'd all disclosed didn't surprise her but Charles casually slipping in that he owned a 65-foot yacht had had her mouth gaping open once more. She'd known they were rich, but it was insane!

"She's called Sedici, after my racing number." Charles had explained when he'd invited her down with the rest of them on Tuesday, "My last one was called Monza."

"Damn it, Carlos, why did you never get a yacht?" Dylan had grumbled.

"We live in Madrid, where's the water?!"

As expected, the sight of Charles' large boat did not disappoint and Dylan had wandered around starry-eyed, wondering how hard it would be to convince Max to buy one. Knowing their mutual distaste for deep water, she envisioned a potential struggle, but they could store lifejackets. There was probably enough room for an entire lifeboat!

So Tuesday evening had been spent eating and drinking on the vessel long into the night and they'd returned around lunchtime today for an afternoon of sunbathing, swimming, and sleep. It was the ultimate relaxation before what would be one of the most stressful weekends for all of them.

As it was so close to race-day, Lewis had just flown into Monaco and he joined them on the boat with Pierre and Yuki. Dylan had been hoping to catch up with Mick but he'd been away in a different part of France with Esteban, and neither of them would arrive until the morning.

"Where's your bikini from, Dee?" Lily asked, throwing a towel on the sun-lounger and laying down.

Dylan looked up from the book she was reading, "Uh, I think it's just H&M? Not sure, really. My cousins brought me some more summer stuff when we were in Spain."

"It's cute!" She complimented and Dylan thanked her.

Both Lily and Carmen, who was snoring lightly on a towel next to the pair, looked like super models. Lily had a detailed red bikini with a white sarong and Carmen had a beaded navy one-piece with a white throw-over. They were so effortlessly fashionable.

It was nice to have some peace and quiet from the boys. The only one sat on the deck with them was Lewis and, just like Dylan, he had his head buried firmly in a book. The rest of their group had taken a bunch of floating things and jet-skis into the water and from the sounds of the cheers and splashing below, they were having a great time letting off some steam.

Over the next hour, Dylan let herself get lost in her book, turning over on her sun-lounger periodically to maintain an even tan. It had been fairly cool in Spain but an unexpected heatwave was hanging over the Monegasque coastline and they were soaking up every second of it.

As the sun continued to beat down in full force, Dylan eventually grew restless and she turned to her left, placing her book down and looking over at Lewis.

"Psst." She whispered, trying not to disturb the sleeping girls on her other side, "Lew!"

He met her gaze over his sunglasses, "Hello, Dee."

"Wanna go for a swim?"

It took a second for him to mull it over and then he too placed his book down on the chair and pushed himself up, "Sure, let's go on the other side of the boat though. I don't want to get mowed down by Lando on a jet ski."

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