Chapter Thirty-Eight

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Chapter Thirty-Eight

It didn't take them long to get back to the hotel and they killed the spare time they had just chilling in Max's room. While Dylan lay on his sofa, he took a shower and got changed into what she could've sworn were the exact same clothes. He really didn't have a varied wardrobe during the season.

At ten minutes to four, they headed downstairs and met Christian in the same meeting room that he and Dylan had spoken in the week before.

How things had changed in just one week alone.

"Hey guys, thanks for coming." The Team Principal greeted as the pair sat down at the table.

Greg was sat next to him, with his laptop open and a friendly smile on his face. Dylan had really grown to care for him as a manager; he'd never showed her anything but kindness even when she brought endless media headaches to the team.

"Thank you for making the time for this." She sighed, her hands coming to the ends of her hair and fiddling nervously, "I think you've probably stopped believing me when I say it's going to be the last time this happens. I truly am sorry."

Christian looked at her and frowned, "Dylan, hear me when I say that your well-being is of greater importance to us than the minor hassle of a few extra meetings or additional phone calls. What you are being put through by the media right now is not something any of us can even begin to appreciate, so right now we just want to focus on what we can do to buy you some peace and quiet. I don't care what we have to do to get there."

"Thank you, Christian." She said genuinely, biting her lip to stop any tears coming to the surface.

Under the table, Max reached across and squeezed her hand in silent support.

"So, I spoke with Mark this afternoon, he coordinates the access that journalists get to the media centre, and he heard about what happened today. Just so you know, two of the reporters have had their weekend access suspended and will potentially face a ban for the rest of the season following a review." Greg said and Dylan nodded as he continued, "Mark will also be reminding all media personnel to try and stick to racing-related questions which should hopefully reduce the gossip-based questions that have been popping up more than more."

"That sounds good." She said positively.

"Definitely. Now, we did discuss the possibility of taking you out of the press conferences entirely-"

"But that's my job?"

"Well, that's it. We don't want to restrict you from fulfilling what you're paid to do. But there is a risk that this, or something similar, could happen again if you're repeatedly in the same room as so many journalists."

"Maybe you could miss it just for the next race or so? Let the attention die down?" Christian suggested.

Dylan sighed, feeling torn between what she wanted to do and what was probably sensible. All she wanted was to be left alone to do her job and spend time with her friends without intrusion but right now, that wasn't realistic.

"If you think it's best...I just never wanted this to reach a point where I couldn't do my job."

"I know, but think of this as a short-term strategic move that allows you to stay here long term, with none of this fuss."

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