Girlboss? No, Girl, Run

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Sitting across from Mik allowed you to take in their features properly, and when you first looked at their face as they sat across from you, you were momentarily blown away by how pretty he was.

A pair of shining silver eyes stared at the world through long, thick lashes. His hair was long enough to fall around their shoulders like a brown, slightly curled fancy scarf, and the strands tucked behind their earring-lined ears were trying their hardest to escape and fall in front of his face. A barcode tattoo poked out from underneath the collar of her hoodie—a stark contrast against their otherwise flawless tanned skin. The confidence that oozed from his pores seemed to make her glow like a god.

Needless to say, Mik was incredibly intimidating.

'So,' they began, chin resting on his palm. 'What's your name, hm? I don't recognise you.'

'My name's (Y/N). It's nice to meet you.'

'Aww, what a cute name. How did you and BEN meet? I'm assuming you aren't like us.'

'It's...difficult to explain,' you replied, glancing at BEN out of the corner of your eye. 'We've known each other for a while, though.'

Mik gasped, clapping her hands together in delight, and they said, 'So you're the one that's been keeping our boy company recently! I don't want to sound like his mother, but he's been a lot happier since he started working for fun, so thank you for being nice to him.'

'Mik,' BEN said. 'We aren't here to talk about that.' An embarrassed flush was creeping up his neck, and he shifted in his seat under Mik's gaze.

'What?! Why? You worried that I'll tell (Y/N) something that's meant to be a secret?'

'No, but I know what you're like.'

'You're so mean to me. I'm just making conversation—has being on time-out made you grumpy?'

You couldn't help but chuckle at her words, shrugging when BEN shot you a look that said, 'You're really laughing?' Taking a sip of your water, you discreetly moved your leg and tapped your foot against his in a way that you hoped was reassuring. It was nice to see that BEN wasn't as lonely as he pretended to be when you first met him via the agency. What was it that he had said? 'I don't get the chance interact with people very often, so I'm glad we're working together.' What a liar.

'How did you know I had been put on 'time-out' anyway?' he asked aloud. 'I thought that I'd be a forbidden topic of conversation.'

'Sweetie, have you forgotten how people work? Everyone's been talking about you. It's been non-stop. Željko and I have been absolutely bombarded with questions.' They sighed, leaning back in her chair and folding their arms. 'Honestly, I don't know how you used to deal with them all.'

'Easy. I didn't.'

'Hah! That explains a lot. Is he laidback at work too, (Y/N)?'

You nodded, a little bit startled at being dragged into the conversation so suddenly. 'Yeah. Our projects were always fifty-fifty, but we usually got told what to do by someone else so we never actually got to make proper decisions. Most of our choices were about how to go about writing the program.'

'Really? That's a shame. BEN can be quite the leader when he puts his mind to it,' Mik said, grinning. 'Our boy's got a lot of personality to him, so I hope you stay around long enough to see it all.'

'Mik—' BEN cut himself off when the barista came over, carrying a frappuccino and a large coffee.

Mik's eyes widened in delight at the sight of her drink, and he said, 'Thank you, Dylan! Ooh, this looks nice.' Cream was overflowing through the gap in the lid, making it about one-fifth cream and four-fifths frappé.

Deep Like Water (Yandere!BEN Drowned X GN!Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ