I'm Going To Make This Weird

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BEN got bolder with every passing day, even going as far as texting you while you were sat with Frankie at dinner. The boldest thing he did, though, was call you.

You decided that you'd had enough. The drinks machine was busted thanks to his meddling, and you needed something strong to help you finish your literature assignment. ('The End' may have been approaching, but you weren't about to sabotage what people thought of you while you were still alive. Doing assignments helped keep your mind off things, anyway.)

With a bag containing your books and pens over your shoulder, you let Frankie know where you were going before making your way out the door and down the street, headphones in. It was a nice day, even with the cloud cover, and the wind brought a slight chill.

As you walked in the direction of your favourite café, took you a moment to realise that the music playing in your ears had changed. Granted, it was still the same song, but the instrumentals had vanished as an unfamiliar voice crooned, 'Hiwai na oto o tatete meshiagaru kimi no mi mo kokoro made mo subete.'

You frowned, unsure of whether or not you were hearing things. Had the sleep deprivation finally started to make you hallucinate?

But then the voice said: 'Aw, are you in awe of my perfect singing and pronunciation? I worked hard to learn those lyrics just for you. What does it say later in the song? "Aikotoba wa kimi o aishite iru"? Something like that.'

You pulled out your phone and pressed the decline button. Nothing happened. You pressed it again and again, but the call screen stayed on.

'Ah-ah-ah, sorry, angel, but you can't hang up on me. That would be so rude, aikurushii koneko-chan.'

'Are you...are you quoting Amore? Are you trying to charm me or something?'

'I am! I'm so glad you noticed. Anyway, where you off to? Was my torture too much for you?'

You gritted your teeth. 'No. I just want something to drink—thanks for breaking the coffee machine, by the way. Really fucking appreciate that. Are you denying me hydration now?'

'No, I'm just making sure my little victim isn't trying to run away from me. That would be absolutely devastating for me.'

'Sure. Like you don't have a whole list of victims to go after once I die.'

'That's not the issue here, (Y/N).' BEN sighed dramatically, and you heard the sound of a chair spinning. 'You're the cutest victim I've had in a while, it would be a shame to lose someone like you.'

Inhaling sharply, you were suddenly glad for the chill in the air as you asked: 'I-Is this a new way of torturing me? Being nice and giving compliments? Listen, I know that you're—'

'Handsome? Irresistible?' he guessed, 'you don't have to worry, I already know.'

'You're none of those things,' you said sharply. 'In fact, you're such a conceited, self-centred arsehole that I've forgotten what I was going to say. Leave me alone, will you?'

'No can do, angel. I can't leave someone alive once they know about me. Soz.'

'I can't believe you just said "soz" out loud.'

'Eh, I've said worse. Which café are you going to? Maybe I can meet you there.' He chuckled. 'I'll buy you a nice drink and a cake. How does that sound?'

Your response was quick and flat. 'I'd rather die then accept something from you.'

'Your harsh words wound me so!' BEN cried, 'I fear that this was a critical hit!'

Deep Like Water (Yandere!BEN Drowned X GN!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now