This Is Everything I Never Wanted

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The hacker watched, dumbfounded, as you shrugged off his promise of death. Insultingly, you even got up and left the room! He had never, never had someone react like that. Some people started to cry, others began to panic, but no one had ever walked away after giving the code a disapproving stare, like it was a small child who had eaten an extra custard cream.

He flicked between security cameras and devices, following you throughout the house with a small frown on his face. He watched as you grabbed a yoghurt from the fridge, sat down on the sofa and turned the TV on, tuning into a livestream of some YouTuber playing an old point-and-click horror game.

'Unbelievable!' he exclaimed, throwing his arms up in pure disbelief. 'Un-fucking-believable.'

Despite having watched you since connecting to your phone, he hadn't expected you to brush off his threat. Sure, he considered himself an expert on your behaviour, and sure, he had spent a lot of time researching you, your life, your hobbies...but regardless of all that, such a nonchalant reaction hadn't been at the top of his predicted reactions list.

He groaned, leaning back in his chair so he was staring at the ceiling. You were, inadvertently, quite irritating to him. For some godforsaken reason, he just couldn't get you out of his head and he didn't know why. He was used to things being true or false, fitting into an 'if' statement or an 'elif'; whatever was making at least half of his thoughts be about you was an abstract thing he didn't know the name of, so he didn't like it and wanted it to stop.

Maybe he was just excited about being the best programmer? Yeah. Yeah, that must be it. He didn't like competition, so it was only natural to be hung up over losing to you.

Glad I figured that out.

He could tell himself that as many times as he could, but it wouldn't make it true, and deep down, he knew that. He knew what was making him glance over at the camera feed every minute or so. He knew what was making him silently cheer you on whenever you played video games, and he knew what was making him move the most helpful website to the top of the page whenever you were doing homework, but he would rather die a second time then admit it.

After all, wasn't ignoring it the best thing to do?


The hacker—or 'BEN', you later found out—made himself quite at home in your phone's contacts, and began torturing you the following morning.

It started off subtle: your internet would crash during the most important parts of lessons, or your keyboard would stop working when you and Ticket were creating a program for the agency, or your document would quit when you had nearly finished an essay. All of this occurred on the first day or whenever Frankie was in the house. Whenever Frankie wasn't in the house, however, the subtleness vanished like the snow in summer.

You quickly learnt that relying on your security system was a waste; BEN had somehow broken them, rendering them useless. He had also connected to your speakers and every device in the house in order to continue his mind games.

The things he did seemed basic (childish, even) but they were effective. Far too effective.

During the day, random music would blare through the house at ridiculously loud volumes, making your head ache and your ears pound in pain. It was often music you couldn't stand, too, meaning it stayed in your head for hours at a time. (Sometimes, it wasn't even music: it was alarms from various countries that would immediately send you into fight or flight mode.) He would also pause or change any music you were listening to, and he messed around with the rain you had playing to help you sleep at night.

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