A Shoulder To Lean On

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Once you were far away from your parents in a quiet part of town, the world around you seemed to return to its normal pace. The meeting felt so...rushed in your memories despite having only just happened. Like the record it was playing on was faulty and there was no way of fixing it.

It was only when you found yourself in an alleyway in the far corner of town that you allowed your walls to break, and when you lowered yourself to the ground, clutching your knees to your chest, you forced yourself to breathe while sobs escaped your throat.

You were feeling so many things at once that your emotions seem to blur together, forming an incoherent wave that didn't know what it wanted. All you could do was cry it out, unsure of whether or not to let it out in a scream or a series of deep scratches.

Even though your fingers were begging to press themselves against the skin of your calf, you resisted and took your phone out of your pocket, trying desperately not to drop it on the floor and thanking whoever decided to invent autocorrect.


hey are you still yelling at that guy

definitely not a ghost:




my parents just showed up

and i spoke to them

and i dont wanna walk home alone

can you come over here so i can walk home with you

definitely not a ghost:

where are you?


i dont know

in an alley

definitely not a ghost:

that's fine

i'll find you

stay there, okay?

im on my way

And he found you. Not even fifteen minutes after you had sent your plea for help, BEN appeared in front of you, gasping for breath like he had sprinted the entire way—which he probably had. His shoe laces weren't tied up properly, and the strings of his hoodie were uncharacteristically uneven, like he hadn't even adjusted them before stepping out of the front door.

The first thing he asked you was, 'Are you okay?'

'No.' The honest answer forced itself off of your tongue, and a new set of tears pricked at your eyes. 'I was doing so well, I was getting better! And now it's just...' You threw your hands in the air like it threw your thoughts into the wind for all to hear.

BEN knelt down in front of you, a hand on your cheek to brush the tears away and keep your gaze firmly fixed on him.

'What do you need?' he asked gently, 'and what do you want?'

'I want to go. I don't—I don't wanna be here anymore.' A single meeting had transformed your home, the town where you had been raised, into a hostile environment, where danger lurked around every corner. Nowhere felt safe. Your house wouldn't feel safe. You knew that you had to leave, regardless of the ties you had to the land. Running away to avoid problems was the thing you did best: you avoided James' funeral, and now you were avoiding your parents.

Deep Like Water (Yandere!BEN Drowned X GN!Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora