Howdy Do Fellow Kids

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You didn't realise that people love to knock loudly on doors.

First, someone knocked on the front door, waking Frankie up. A few minutes later, he was knocking on your bedroom door and telling you that someone was outside and wanting to speak to you.

One of your neighbours was stood on the front doorstep, dressing gown tied around his waist, an unamused look on his face.

'Mr. Huxley, what're you doing?' you mumbled sleepily, rubbing your eyes as you tried to focus on him.

'My son thinks his computer has a virus,' he explained in a way that sounded argumentative (somehow), 'and I would like you to fix it. He needs that computer for school work, you know he—'

'Fine, fine. Can you ask your wife to make me a coffee and tell James to wait outside his room.'

You dragged your feet down the street and to the Huxley household, dressed in the same clothes from yesterday and clutching your spare laptop to your chest. You let yourself into the house, asking, 'Why could this not wait till I was awake?'

'It's really bad,' Mrs. Huxley informed you in a low voice, handing you a large flask filled with what was hopefully coffee. 'He's just...staring at it. In his room.'

You nodded, taking a sip of the coffee. This is a different blend. Did they get the new stuff that came out in the shops a few weeks ago?

James was indeed in his room, staring at the screen as though he couldn't look away, but when you knocked on the doorframe he whirled around, eyes wide.

'I don't know what happened to it,' he stammered. 'It's never done anything like this before.'

'Get out the way and let me deal with it.'

Obediently, he moved out of the way and let you sit down at his desk, moaning, 'It's doomed,' as he collapsed down onto his bed.

'No, it's not. I can sort this out, I think, don't worry.' You took a large gulp of coffee, ignoring the burning pain as it slid down your throat, and you stared at the computer screen. It was only then you realised how bad it really was.

The screen was glitching so badly you could barely make out what was being written, but after squinting and pushing your face closer to the screen you noticed that lines of code were scrolling down the screen at an alarming rate.

'James, is this connected to any other electronic device in the house?'

'Not directly, why?'

'Good. I want you to leave the room and shut the door. I'm going to download everything from your computer. Then, I'm going to take it apart. Buy a new computer and never click on anything that looks odd.'

'(Y/N) what's going on—'

'James, please just trust me!'

He scurried out of the room, shutting the door behind him like you told him to. Once you were sure the door was shut, you turned back to the computer and glared at it.

'Right, you little shit,' you muttered, taking out your laptop. 'Time to see how good you truly are.'

You connected the laptop to James' computer, opening the coding program you used in order to create a counter-program to whatever the hacker had put on James' computer.

Now, your coding wasn't perfect, but you'd hung around Ticket enough to learn some things, and you'd also hung around Ticket enough to steal some of his programs. All you had to do was edit them slightly and send them off to the hacker in an attempt to stop them from sending anymore viruses your way. (However, the viruses weren't the problem. The blocker Ticket had installed for you destroyed their code, rebuilt the viruses so they were slightly different and sent them back to the hacker.)

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