Oh, Look, Happiness!

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my gacha pulls have been GODLY this year. i am attributing this to the cat!aventurine plushie i ordered in march.

btw i changed frankie's full name to 'franklin' because 'fran' is too close to a certain groomer's username and its making me VERY uncomfortable. like 'i feel violently sick' uncomfortable.

'You're going...where?' Frankie looked up from a newspaper with the blank stare of someone who may or may not have been ignoring everyone and everything, yet had somehow heard and understood what had just been said.

'To the park on the edge of town,' you repeated. 'Just felt like going there today. You don't mind, do you?'

'Nah. You don't have to ask, anyway. You're an adult. Legally I cannot stop you.'

'But morally?'

'Meh. Depends. You've done all your assignments, right?' When you nodded in reply, his hand moved in a 'shoo' motion at you, and he said, 'Go on, then. Get lost.'

You beamed at him. 'Thanks, old man! See you later.'

You missed the middle finger that Frankie lazily threw your way as you pulled on your coat and shoes and left the house with the most energy you'd had in months. BEN was outside waiting for you, scrolling through his phone as he lent against the garage door to the right.

'I'm free,' you said, feeling your energy levels skyrocket upon seeing him. 'You ready to go?'

'Course.' BEN pocketed his phone, offering you his hand. 'Let's go! Afterwards, do you wanna go to the rollerskating rink? We've got enough time to test some tricks.'

'What was last time, hm? What happened then?' you asked, pressing your elbow against his ribs in a playful nudge.

'That was just the basics,' he replied. 'Now I can teach you the really cool stuff, like spinning and going backwards on one foot and shit.'

You weren't quite sure what expression your face made, but it felt like a weird kind of grimace. 'Maybe next time—let me get used to skating first.'

'You got the hang of it pretty quickly last time! You should be fine.'

'The confidence is appreciated, but I don't think going backwards is a good idea.'

'Why not? If you fall, I can catch you and make it look super heroic.' He straightened his posture to try and become more imposing, yet all it did was make you laugh at his attempts. 'Hey, don't be mean! I can be heroic!'

'I know you can,' you managed to say. 'I don't have to fall on my arse to prove that.' Your thumb patted the back of his hand as you added, 'Slow and steady wins the race, right? If we go again, then you can teach me how to go backwards. Does that sound like a plan?'

BEN made a show of considering your offer, chewing on his tongue and looking around aimlessly as he pondered. Then he said, 'Sounds like a plan! Why don't we make this a yearly tradition? Once a year, we go skating—or ice skating, if you wanna do that instead. Just to make things fun.'

'I like that. It's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon.'

'You aren't,' BEN said. 'I won't let you!' To emphasise his point, he pulled you even closer to him, nearly stepping on your foot in the process (something he quickly apologised for).

'Who's to say that I want to leave, hm?' you asked. 'No one else is gonna put up with my bullshit.'

'It's gonna be a bit tricky to explain your ex being a ghost to someone. Don't forget that bit.'

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