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Ling Cai opened his eyes only to realise he was back to being a little  star, young, beautiful, frail, tender and desireable. There was no chopped fingers, no scary face, no mal nutrition due to hunger, not having to serve 10 men a day in order to live. In the last days Ling Cai has tasted the bitterness and knows exactly how the strong eats the weak in a world without rules, a society where been humane is a crime to oneself, the strong can't eat enough and weak has no place to survive and resolutely accepted the unspoken rules climb the circle and became rich within a year open a secret canning factory, traveling worldwide to collect rare products and practicing to become stronger, all paths to survival must be secured.
In the last days one can only rely on themselves Ling Cai will never fall in love again, never rely on his gold master wholeheartedly again, never being kind again and being prideful in being upright, clear conscience and face loving. In the last days pride and face can't eat where does he need this. Love and trust don't know either Ling Cai has seen the dark side of love, love gets you sold for a pack of instant noodles, love made him put down his pride and served the strong in order for his lover and family to live a good life but in the end Ling Cai was abandoned and lived a life serving more men than a prostitute. The same people he sacrificed for ridiculed and isolated him after squeezing his last value. The same man he served and slept with so many men for in order to spy and collect information to help the rise of the base discarded him in the end using him as a distraction to flee zombies. Ling Cai felt betrayed once more and complete despair. Although this man wasn't like his real lover he had served him as little lover when he a little star and although they separated back then he was his first man despite having someone else in his heart. In the last days he was sold to him served him again for 15 years in the end he became a decoy on this snowy night died without a corpse he plead and scream but that man never looked at him. In the end he was delusional that man had never cared about him. In this life Ling Cai will still serve him but in this life Ling Cai will never love again after all no matter which era all transaction is taking what each person needs and after 25 years in the apocalypse Ling Cai has learned this at his last breath .

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