Chapter 8

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In the live broadcast room various netizens were baffled by the actions of their favourite of non favorite stars these two days.
In the broadcast room many Star Chasers are seeing their family bizarre performances, pastoral daily was originally not even a marginally rated show however director He  was from a major family plus he was rather famous in the industry for a long time many stars have tasted the winter melons of being hidden in the snow for offending him.
Ling Cai's scandal was actually a big scandal being labelled ash Xu Kai's "Gay Stalker" "Desperate homo" "life wrecker" etc hence he was chased like a mouse in the street so he had no choice but to close himself at home at the age of 17 and face such a horrible world alone which led to his rebirth at this that time.
His sudden counterattack by committing suicide after diappering for a few days actually has many people speculating openly but mostly secretly especially after playing the violin at such a professional level accompanied by his angelic voice and a stunning face.
Many people aren't fools and the star world has never lacked melon eating brainiac conspiracy theorists.
Despite many people not yet voicing their thoughts many fans, melon lovers, passerby's, station sisters have poster their views and questions. Although the incident has been pressed by both companies and many medias many people have already became genuinely  curious about what happened to him and Xu Kai in the past? whether Xu Kai is a Young Master?
whether Xu kai has a big backup?
Whether Tianhu and Tianlin Entertianment until then are using the innocent ling Cai to fight each other and use teenagers to be a stepping stone to  someone. There's such a talented person how come they have never heard of him?
How long has he been signed ?
Why is he being hidden? what is the role of Xu Kai? Etc and pastoral daily became hot directly the moment people with intentions inferred that Ling Cai and Xu Kaiwill be participating in the show stars are not allowed to have any form of access to technology during the variety show so they  we're not aware of that the usually unpopular show so they were not aware that they usually unpopular  show is booming and their actions are all being live broadcast to the public. there are also some genuine people who wonder if his condition was suitable for the show however they are yet to know the seriousness of his condition so although they noticed the situation doesn't seem optimistic their voices aren't really loud some just think he needs more rest but the world has never lacked idlers and some keen bloggers feel that they must save and pay special attention to all his clips the controversy is not over and the industry is about to Usher a storm. The morning sun face The Horizon and the shattered Rays kiss a young teenage boy working assiduously in the garden oblivious to the camera. He seems to be really sickly based on his stature and is deadly pale complexion but he is so breathtaking he's weak statue was accompanied by a cold aura that freezes people, it screams do not come closer. The boy Works rather slow and weak as a 17-year-old boy even at 12 year old girls seem stronger than him but his postures never once displayed the slightest impatience nor reluctance. His every action was slow yet earnest his humble and patient stature was very captivating especially against those other stars who seem to unintentionally forget to restrain themselves despite masking it some of these Stars could not hide their impatience and contempt at all. Many of these Stars unconsciously slowly began showing their true colors and it's just the first day. Some Stars directly said they're dictate for this environment and people while the more scheming ones know how to pretend to gain sympathy and fun favors. Time flies and unconsciously the first day on their task was done. Many stars lost face miserably and many stars lost fans miserably due to the lack of restraints but in the end none of the Stars finished their task except for Ling Cai and Xu kai once again climbing to a hot search together but this time many people remained unaware include including the two. The commission earned from the task was originally to be used to facilitate themselves as the crew would not provide for them during this time hence a total of 8 Stars remain penniless and unable to each even hire a cart home to have dinner are even plan for breakfast tomorrow. Xu Kai's task provided in $30 per day and a long day of picking corn in the field as this young master is so tired he was late to catch the only restaurant in town that opens in the evening thus unable to buy dinner plus traffic King Xu cannot cook at all and the market was closed at this time. Tired, dishearted and hungry young Master Xu had no choice but to hire a cart home for $25 to take them all home even at this time he did not forget to pretend to be generous but whether intentional or unintentionally ling cai who's task was a bit further away from the others was left in fucha village. It appears as though no one remembered him or there was one who did. Movie empire Wen glance in a certain direction casually but people problems were none of his business it's it's just Wen Ren was curious what kind of person could influence Mr Generous Xu so much he doesn't even realize he unconsciously exposes his nature every time he's around. By the time Ling Cai reached Fucha Square the place was empty and it's was slightly dark no one was here at this time offering transportation. Signing sadly ling Cai walked to the service then slowly trying to exert as little energy as possible. He was so tired and exhausted, he can't feel his hands at all, his ears were buzzing and his fever has flared again due to missing his dosage at midday. The sunset reflected a lone figure on a journey in the vast farmlands, one person, one road and one sunset, beautiful but lonely yet there was no stopping in at all the people in the live broadcast room for some reason felt melancholy. By the time Lincoln arrived it was already 2 hours later, tired to the maxhe walked blindly to his room are food brought from Old Man Bai's house and took his medicine falling asleep immediately after a quick wash bam.

New update y'all it's short and crisp in the next few chapters I'll be speeding up the pace to finish his revenge in stardom within a few more chapter and get on to the apocalypse after all that is the main theme of the novel so hold on guys don't drift the novel will only get better and better please vote and comment and share my story😋☺️❤️❤️🙏🙏😘

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