Chapter 12

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In a villa in certain high end estate a group of people were seen discussing about someone. The person being mention seem to be an enemy due to the high anger level of the people present.

An extremely handsome middle age man is obviously the decision maker present answer the phone for a while the more he listened the more gloomy his face became,  the people present face was so dark while the young man who is the same age a Ling Cai suddenly screamed in resentment

" dad didn't you say he was finished after he was forced to quit the piano and violin tournament back then? Why is he rising again that damn bastard surnamed Xu is fucking useless I don't care how you do it dad I want him finished!!"

the little delicate and beautiful face was distorted and hienous at this moment. If people familiar with this young master was present they would never have though the angelic and shy young man they knew was like this in private or they knew it but everyone pretends to be, the wealthy circle is like this everyone hides their ugliness and plays a hypocrite for face.
The middle age man face was ugly and and the woman beside him was secretly nervous ,her son was too impulsive this time he might lose favour He didn't know his father loved his face very much and he said those things when his father was talking to such high-ranking people.  Her face remains static but her brain flashes quickly trying to find ways to coax the family head quickly her hard work these years can't go in vain.

The middle-aged man banged the table in anger and shouted " Surpress me I don't care how you do it ruin this bastard but you can't touch him physically" then hung up the phone.
This is the Ling family.

In Ling Cai's Villa, it was already around 9 and he just showered in Linguan Lake again with some special natural fragrances he created himself before oiling himself and getting dressed to leave for tonight.

1 hour later they arrived in district C villa area this area can only be owned by rich second and third generations with excellent backgrounds. This District C is where all of the illegal drug parties and star-pimping rich sorority parties etc are held. In his previous life, he was also taken here and he had to live here for a long time. Many stars with gold masters, top media personnel, directors, producers, CEOs, politicians, religious envoys, and most importantly the Mafia are all here hence he had a 100% chance of recognition. Driving through the familiar gate all the memories of this place kept recurring in his mind like a video in replay watching his painful and most shameful experiences over and over again.

After a while, they arrived at a villa and were told that the next journey he would have to do alone no one else was allowed.

He stood outside for minutes, then hours in fact in his previous life Tin Linfan also did this to him at that time he was naive and thought that he had to endure it because of his love for Xu Kai however he only stood for 1 hour back then. Now ironically he's at it again and this time it's been two hours already. In fact on his way here despite his outer calmness his heart was fluctuating he had been in bed with this man so many times for so many reasons and in the end he was abandoned twice the first time he survived the last time he was sacrificed, all in all he didn't know what to feel but he had a bit of expectations he didn't know. In fact, since rebirth, many things have happened and he has become somewhat relaxed and overconfident when he didn't notice it.
This time spent in the cold has chilled his ego and boosted him mentally, and this humilition has saved him from going down the wrong path with unrealistic expectations etc. Standing by the door thinking all these things I reflected on my short comings completely forgetting my surrounding taking the time to adjust my mentality. In a while the door was opened and I walk in steadily to see the man I haven't  seen since my rebirth, the man I spent 25 years with against my heart however how could one not have the slightest affection in 25 year sighs.

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